Processing Information#

The UBPOE is an update process run by the Benefit Administrator to batch process the employee elections from the Open Enrollment period. Once run, the elections are processed into IBEN.

When processing an open enrollment, the order of execution is based on the display sequence defined on the Plan Definition. If not defined, the system will return a NullPointerException when comparing the object values.

The UBPOE will only process APPROVED elections found within the parameters and filters defined.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV Available. Defines the entity the open enrollment period was for.
Event TypeMandatory, LOV Available. Defines the Event Type that will be processed.
As of DateMandatory. Benefit Election and Enrollment records are selected up to and including the As Of Date.
Enrollment Open DateMandatory, Date. This date defines the start date for the Open Enrollment period to process.
Enrollment Close DateMandatory, Date. This date defines the end date for the Open Enrollment period to process.
Coverage EffectiveOptional, Date. This parameter allows the user to override the Coverage Effective date generated by the Benefit Components.
Premium EffectiveOptional, Date. This parameter allows the user to override the Premium Effective date generated by the Benefit Components.
Sort OptionMandatory, LOV available. Employees will be printed in this order on the report.
Print Employee DetailsOptional. Defines if UBPOE will generate the details of the Open Enrollment in the report.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available. This defines the level of trace the report is run with.
User CommentOptional. This allows the user who is running the report to add a comment in the report.

Report Filters
People ListLimits the report to the defined list of people.
PersonLimits the report to the defined employee.
LocationLimits the report to the defined location.
Auth AreaLimits the report to the defined Auth Area.
DepartmentLimits UBOE to run for the defined Department.
UnitLimits UBOE to the defined unit.
GroupLimits UBOE to the defined Group of employees.
Assignment TypeLimits the report to the defined assignment type.
Employment StatusLimits the report to the defined employment status.

Notes #

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