!!!UPDATE BENEFIT ENROLLMENT \\ \\ ||Report Parameters|| |__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Limits the process to the entity specified. |__Plan__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\The benefit plant to be processed for the employees selected. |__As Of Date__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\Benefit election and enrollment records are selected up to and including the As Of Date (Cut-off) supplied on the selection form. |__Termination Date__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\Benefit election and enrollment records are selected for employees terminated up to and including the termination date supplied on the selection form. |__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <Exceptions Only>__\\This field indicates the level of logging desired. |__Trial__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <No>__\\If ‘No’ then the update is committed. If ‘Yes’ then the update is not committed and the process may be run again. \\ \\ ||Report Parameters|| |__People__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\A People List may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed. |__Person Code__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This is the person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. |__Department__|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified departments. |__Authorization__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified authorization levels. |__Location__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified locations. |__Org Level__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified organizational levels. |__Unit__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified units. |__Group__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specified groups. |__Assignment Type__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\You may limit processing of employees to the type of assignment they currently have. |__Status__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\You may limit the processing of employees to their employment status.