Required Set Up#

UBEF provides the capability for users to generate an interface file from employee basic information such as Personals, Employments, Prime Assignments, Entities, Locations, Jobs, Positions, Departments, Units, Groups and additional information for Benefit plans with Contacts information.

Step 1 - Define Lexicons in IMLN#

The following lexicons are required for the UBEF to run, these are system provided; however we do advise to double check they are in your own database.

Step 2 - Define Interface Format in IDIF#

HL$BE_PENS_FILE is provided in the IDIF definitions screen as an example of a fixed format interface file.

You should use (Copy Definition) to copy into a different Interface Code and then enter your own company data.

Processing Information#

From selection criteria, UBEF retrieves employee basic information and primary assignment information

From parameter Interface Level, the data base tables will be loaded accordingly:

  • at company level: DEN / DLN / DDP / DDD / DUN / DGR / DGD / DGV
  • at employee level: EID / EPS / EEM / EAS / EASD / PPRU / PPRC / ECT
  • for BE only: BPT / BPN / BCG / BCGD / BCGD / BCGR / BEND / BBR / ECT

From parameter Interface Level, the following information will be written to the interface file

Lexicon X_INTERFACE_LEVEL values:

01 - EEM + EASD *(not applicable for UBEF processing)
02 - EEM + EASD + Contacts * (not applicable for UBEF processing)
10 - BE Plans *primary Assignment and BE related data base tables are loaded
* this level will perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Record' for each BE plan
*i.e. write one entry per employee for each BE plan
11 - BE + Contacts * (not applicable for UBEF processing).

UBEF provides an audit report in Excel spreadsheet format to verify each data column that is entered in the interface file, in order to obtain this report, the UBEF function must be run a second time using the exact same parameters that was used to obtain the interface file with the following two exceptions:

  1. The 'Interface Code' must contain a file name that is specified with a file format of 'Comma Delimited'.
  2. The 'File Name' must have a file extension of .csv so that it can be viewed through an Excel spreadsheet.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Entity Mandatory. You must enter an entity
From Date Mandatory. Enter a Pay Period Begin Date
To Date Mandatory. Enter a Pay Period End Date
Interface Code Mandatory. Enter the Interface code from the IDIF screen
Interface Level Mandatory. Specify the level for the Interface file to be produced; this must be '10'. Lexicon X_INTERFACE_LEVEL values are:
01 - EEM + EASD (not applicable for UBEF processing)
02 - EEM + EASD + Contacts (not applicable for UBEF processing)
10 - BE Plans
11 - BE + Contacts (not applicable for UBEF processing)
ER Addr Location Optional. This allows you to enter an overridden location to retrieve the employer’s address. If this is not specified, the entity's location address is used.
Sort by Active/Inactive Optional. Check this toggle to sort inactive employees first.
Sort Employees ByOptional. You should sort employees by Last Name/First Name, however, you may sort by the employee's pay destination or sort by Person code
Create File Optional. This field provides an option to create the file
Directory Name Optional. Enter a valid directory name
File NameOptional. Enter a file name or use the default file name from IDIF screen
Exception Level Optional. You should always run with the Exception level unless for tracing. In Trace Level 1, the employee header with Person Code and Employee Name are displayed with performance time, this can be used for Progress bar or to locate employee with problem. In Trace Level 2, the BE plans are displayed after employee header information

Report Filters
People List Code Optional. Please specify if People list is to be used
Person Code Optional. Enter one or more Person Codes
Location Optional. Enter one or more Location codes
Authorization Optional. Enter one or more Authorization Areas
Department Optional. Enter one or more Department Codes
Org Level TypeOptional. Enter one or more Org Level Types
Org Level Optional. Enter one or more Org Level within Org Level Types
Unit Optional. Enter one or more Unit codes
Group Optional. Enter one or more Group codes
Payroll Optional. Enter one or more Payroll Codes
Employment Status Optional. Enter one or more Employment Statuses
Termination Reason Optional. Enter one or more Termination Reasons
Plan Type Optional. This field is applicable if Interface Level = 'BE plans'
Plan Optional. This field is applicable if Interface Level = 'BE plans'

A spreadsheet will be provided which includes all data columns that were recorded in the interface file.

To generate this report, you must run UBEF a second time, using a 'Comma Delimited' Interface File Format, and create a file with a file extension of '.csv'.

Once the.csv file is created, you can then view this file through Excel spreadsheet and delete those data columns that are of no use.

Notes #

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