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Field Name Field
Format Data Required
Transaction Code 1-2 Either '94' or '18'
Detail Type 3 Character Either '1', '4', 'A', 'L', 'M', or 'W'
Plan 4-7 Either 'PSPP', 'MEPP', or 'MSRP'
Employer Number 8-10 Character UDF 'PN-EMPLOYER NUMBER' attached to IBPN
Batch Number 11-21 Number System date followed by three unique number.
The system extracts the three unique number
by taking the last three digits of the execution-
ID which is created at the time of execution
TAD Number 22-30 Blank Not applicable
TAD Counter 31-32 Blank Not applicable
Member SIN 33-41 Number Social Insurance Number of Member
Last Name 42-71 Member’s last name
Reg. Flag 72 Blank Not applicable
Employee Num. 73-82 Blank Not applicable
Dept. Number 83-102 Blank Not applicable
Title 103 Blank Not applicable
Stakeholder Last
104-133 Blank Not applicable
Stakeholder Middle
134-163 Blank Not applicable
Stakeholder Sex 184 Blank Not applicable
Marital Status 185 Blank Not applicable
Date of Birth 186-193 Blank Not applicable
Verify DOB flag 194 Blank Not applicable
Date Contribution
195-202 Blank Not applicable
Relationship 203 Blank Not applicable
Address-1 204-243 Blank Not applicable
Address-2 244-283 Blank Not applicable
City 284-303 Blank Not applicable
Province/State 304-305 Blank Not applicable
Postal/ZIP 306-315 Blank Not applicable
Country 316-217 Blank Not applicable
Effective Date 318-325 Blank Not applicable
Same as Member 326 Blank Not applicable
E-Mail address 327-386 Blank Not applicable
Phone Type 387 Blank Not applicable
Country Code 388-390 Blank Not applicable
Area Code 391-393 Blank Not applicable
Phone Number 394-400 Blank Not applicable
Extension 401-404 Blank Not applicable
New SIN 405-413 Blank Not applicable
Beneficiary Split 414-419 Blank Not applicable
Employ Status 420 *'F' for Group Type 'Full Time' or 'Temp Full Time'
* 'P' for Group Type 'Part Time' or 'Temp Part Time'.
* If other Group Type is found, then it will be BLANK filled.
Service Year 421-424 YYYY Year for service based on year entered in report