IDIF Field Descriptions:#
- Code
- This is a user-defined Interface Code. If the IDIF layout is supplied the Interface Code begins with HL$
- Interface Type
- This must be 35 - EEM/EAS Interface
- File Format
- This field allows you to select one of the File Formats from the look up list
- Form Type
- Please select 'Not Specified' from the look up list. Form Type is not used for UBEF
- Description
- This is a user-defined description
- File Name
- This field specifies the default file name, otherwise the file name is entered on UBEF parameter
- File Creation Number
- This field is not used
- Taxation Level
- Please select 'Not Specified' from the look up list. Taxation Level is not used for UBEF
- Record Number; This is a user-assigned record number. Each record number generates a new line in the interface file.
- The following are suggested Record Numbers, however, you can set up your own numbers.
Record Number | Interface File Records Generated |
0 | Qualify Records |
1 - 29 | Header Records |
30 - 69 | Detail Records |
70 - 99 | Trailer Records |
- Field Number This is a user assigned number
- Name
- This is a user assigned field name
- XML Tag
- This field is used for XML File Format only (Optional). If the XML Tag is not specified for XML File, then the Name field is used as XML Tag
- Beginning Position
- If the file format = 'Fixed Format', you must specify the Beginning position
- Ending Position
- If the file format = 'Fixed Format', you must specify the Ending position
- These positions must be continuous without gap, otherwise an error situation will occur
- Beginning/Ending positions are not needed for XML and other file format
- Field Type
- This field can be 'Char', 'Number' or 'Date'
- Variable Name;Select from the lexicon X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME 35nnnn, referring to lexicon list above
- Sort Sequence
- This field specifies the sort sequence for this Record #, Field # and is used for Record # with Record Type = 'Detail Record' only
- For Record # with Record Type = 'Detail Level 1' to 'Detail Level 5', it uses the same sort from Record Type = 'Detail Record' so that the Detail Level n records are followed after the 'Detail Record'
- e.g. Interface File need to sort by: Department, Employee First Name, Last Name
- For the Fld# entry that specify 'Department', enter sort sequence: 100
- For the Fld# that specify 'Employee First Name', enter sort sequence: 150
- For the Fld# that specify 'Employee Last Name', enter sort sequence: 200
- All sort sequences must be entered on entries with the same record number
- Sort sequence is not supported for XML file format because XML file may specify many different Record # to generate XML begin and end tags and the XML tags are not able to sort along with the data
- Format Mask
- This field is applicable to Numeric and Date field
- Record Type
- This must be used for this Interface Type. Lexicon X_RECORD_TYPE.
- Record Identifier
- This field is not used for this Interface Type
- Constant Value
- If the variable name = 'Constant Value', this field specifies the Constant Value to be used
- If the variable name = 'UserCalc', this field specifies the UserCalc Name
- If the variable name = 'Statistics Amt', this field specifies the Statistics Code
- If the variable name = 'Element', this field specifies the Element Code
- If the variable name = 'Total Value', this field specifies the Rec# and Field # of the Detail Records to be totaled
- e.g. Record # 50 Field 70 is to be totaled and Total option = 'Calculate Total', then the Trailer record can report the 'Total Value', Constant value should be 5070
- Print Zero Rule
- This is applicable to Numeric field only; use for Record Type = 'Detail Record'. If amount is zero, this field indicates to include this amount in the interface file or not
- e.g. if the field is from 'Statistics Amount' and the amount is zero, you may not want to report this amount
- If all numeric amounts are zero within one Record# and the Print Zero Rule are set to 'Do not Print zeros' for each field, then this entry will not be reported on interface file. Lexicon X_PRINT_ZERO_RULE
- XML Tag
- option This is applicable to XML file, if the variable name = 'XML begin Tag'or 'XML end Tag', this field option indicates if the XML Tag should be written. Lexicon X_XML_TAG_OPTION
- Accum Option
- This is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = 'Detail Record'
- This indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be accumulated or not
- e.g. if the field is a 'Pay Number' or 'Check Number', then do not accumulate
- If the field is 'Element Value' or 'PC Amount', then you may want to accumulate to avoid writing too much detail per element or per pay component
- Total Option
- This is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = Detail Record, Detail Level
- This indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be totaled for Header or Trailer record
- e.g. If the field is a 'FTE' or 'Rate of Pay', then do not totaled
- If the field is 'Statistics Amount' or 'UserCalc Amount', then you may want to calculate the total for Trailer record. Lexicon X_TOTAL_OPTION
- Derivation Expression
- This field specifies the derivation expression for the variable