Required Set Up#

There is specific set up and processing required to ensure that Canadian Savings Bonds are calculated and reported correctly.

To run the required monthly report the only set up required is the interface format in IDIF and the benefit plan itself. You may also indicate a contact for an employee as a bond owner, coowner etc.

Step 1 - Define Plan Type in IBPT#

Define the Canada Savings Bond Benefit plan type (Type CSB). All Canada Saving Bond plans under this plan type, under the selected reporting entity (or under a BLANK entity) will be reported if this plan type is selected when running the 'UBBDC' function.

Step 2- Define Plan Definitions in IBPN#

When defining the Canada Savings Bonds Plan, the Canada Savings Bond plan type must be selected.

If the Entity field is left BLANK (not defined), then this plan will always be reported regardless of what reporting entity is being selected while running the UBBDC function as long as there are qualified CSB purchases for the pay period being reported. If the Entity field is entered, then this plan will be reported only if the 'Entity' matches the 'Entity' parameter entry during the UBBDC execution.

The following Benefit Components are necessary for CSB Plans:

Please note that effective in 2003, the Canada Savings Bond Administration has abandoned the requirement that RRRS and Non-RRSP contributions be reported under separate detail records (CSB Document S3CONV/03), therefore, the amounts from B1070 and B1072 will be combined when creating the report and the file.

The Rates section of the Canada Savings Bond may be left blank (without entering any rates).

Step 3 - Define Interface Format in IDIF#

The application includes a standard Canadian Savings Bonds interface format called HL$CBOND which can be found in IDIF.

You should copy (use Copy Definition) definitions into a different Interface code and then enter your own company data.

The set up is now complete and the UBBDC may now be run to process all of the Canadian Savings Bonds plans and produce the flat file to be remitted.

Processing Information#

Each time the Canada Savings Bond Plan is processed during a pay cycle, the amount specified in B1070 and/or B1072 will be deducted from the employee's pay.

The deduction amount will be stored in a pay component for reporting purpose, and since the deduction amount is extracted from the PC, it will have the actual deduction processed by Payroll (which may be different than the amount specified in the Benefit module, as in the case when the Net Pay is not large enough to cover the CSB deduction).

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Entity Code By selecting an entity in this field, the report will pick up all the employees from that entity who enrolled in the Canada Savings Bond program. All Canada Savings Bond plans with a plan type matching the one entered in the Plan Type field, either with a matching 'Entity' entry or without an 'Entity' entry, will be processed. (Mandatory)
Plan Type The type selected here must be of the Canada Saving Bond plan type as entered in the IBPT screen. Only benefit plans matching this plan type (in addition to the 'Entity' qualification) will be selected for processing. (Mandatory)
As Of Date This must be the File Transmission date. (Mandatory)
Pay Issue Date This is a mandatory field
Organization ID This is the number assigned by the bank. (Optional)
Transmission ID This is a unique ID assigned by the client. (Optional)
Transmission Ref This is the reference information the client may have about this transmission. (Optional)
Batch Reference This is the reference information the client may have about this batch. (Optional)
Payment Type This can either by 'B' or 'T' (Optional)
Confirm Indicator This can either be Blank, '01' (for E-Mail confirmation) or '02' (for Fax confirmation) (Optional)
Confirm Address This contains either an 11 digit Fax Number, or a 40 character E-Mail address (Optional)
Create File This is an optional field
People List This field allows you to limit the report to a subset of employees for processing. (Optional)
Person Code This field allows you to limit the report to a subset of employees for processing. (Optional)

Report Filters
People List Code Please specify if People list is to be used. (Optional)
Person Code Enter one or more Person Codes. (Optional)

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