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Required Set Up#

There is specific set up and processing required to ensure that Canadian Savings Bonds are calculated and reported correctly.

To run the required monthly report the only set up required is the interface format in IDIF and the benefit plan itself. You may also indicate a contact for an employee as a bond owner, coowner etc.

Step 1 - Define Plan Type in IBPT#

Define a 'Bonds' plan type. All U.S. Saving Bond plans under this plan type, under the selected reporting entity (or under a BLANK entity) will be reported if this plan type is selected when running the 'UBBD' function.

Step 2- Define Plan Definitions in IBPN#

A separate bond plan must be set up for each concurrent bond contribution that is permitted (e.g. If three bonds may be purchased simultaneously, three plan definitions are required.)

The series code (e.g. EE or I) must be entered in the Policy Number field for each coverage. A bond coverage must be set up for each series offered (e.g. EE and I series).

A bond coverage may be set up for each bond denomination (e.g. $50, $100, etc.). This is optional, as the denomination value may instead be entered on the employee's enrollment record (IBEN). An effective date split of the enrollment record (IBEN) is recommended upon a change in the denomination elected.

Bond plans do not have to be entered on the behalf schedule (IBSC), if the 'Not Scheduled' toggle is ON. This will allow the plans to be added to the benefit election record (IBEL) on an ad hoc basis.

Below is a list of the components that need to be reviewed in order to set up a bond plan :

The following group of benefit components are available to calculate the bond amounts to be remitted for the plan. They are all mandatory.

Step 3 - Define Interface Format in IDIF#

If not already defined in the Interface Formats Definition (IDIF) screen, load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$bonds.sql script. Modify the standard BONDS file requirements using the IDIF function. Rename the code from HL$BONDS to a user-defined code.

Step 4 - Modify Employee Contacts in IECT#

If the bond is owned by an employee contact then this should be indicated on IECT. This is done by selecting Bond Owner as the Contact Type. The contact may be an owner, co-owner, etc. and this is indicated on IBRA or IBRP by the Bond Participation field.

The set up is now complete and the UBBD may now be run to process all of the Canadian Savings Bonds plans and produce the flat file to be remitted.

Report Parameters & Filters#