[Leave Accruals|LEAVE ACCRUALS] may be updated through [UPCALC] or through running UACALC on its own. The leave accrual update may be run as often as needed to ensure the accuracy of the [accruals|LEAVE ACCRUALS]. Users may run for one employee, one leave type, or mass update. This function creates ‘unofficial’ [accrual records|LEAVE ACCRUALS].

For information on the differences of [UPCALC] and UACALC see the page [UACALC VS.UPCALC]. 

||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field identifies the entity for which this report will be processed.
|__Leave Type__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to the leave type indicated.
|__As Of__|__Date, LOV available__\\The records for this report will be selected up to and including the As Of Date supplied in this field.
|__To Year End Only__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field will allow to indicate if the report should report to the end of the year.
|__Process__|__Optional, LOV available__\\If <Yes>, the entitlements will be processed in the report.
|__Process Leave Lines__|__Optional, LOV available__\\If <Yes>, the leave lines will be processed in the report.
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\User may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace. 
|__Trial Run__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <No>__\\If ‘No’ then the update is committed. If ‘Yes’ then the update is not committed and the process may be run again.
||Report Filters||
|__People List Code__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specific people lists.
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to the employees specified by person code.
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specific departments.
|__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specific units.
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the report to specific groups.