Usage DescriptionPay Component Element
6001 FWT Deduction - Regular Tax N/A
6002 FWT Deduction - Additional Tax
This is only required if the Addition Tax Deduction
is to be shown separately from Fed Tax deduction
6003 FWT Deduction – Supplemental Tax N/A
6004 FWT Earnings - Regular Tax N/A
6051 Pre-FWT Earnings - Reg Tax Table Method (PPE)
6052 Pre-FWT Earnings - Reg Tax% Method (PPE)
6053 Pre-FWT 125 Exemption - Reg Tax (PPE)
6054 Pre-FWT 401K Exemption - Reg Tax (PPE)
6005 FWT Earnings – Supplemental Tax N/A
6055 Pre-FWT Earnings – Supplemental Tax (PPE)
6056 Pre-FWT 125 Exemption – Supplemental Tax (PPE)
6057 Pre-FWT 401K Exemption – Supplemental Tax (PPE)
6101 EIC N/A
6102 EIC Earnings N/A
6151 Pre-EIC Earnings (PPE)
6201 FICA Employee Deduction N/A
6202 FICA Employee Earnings N/A
6210 FICA Employer Contribution N/A
6211 FICA Employer Earnings N/A
6251 Pre-FICA Employee Earnings (PPE)
6261 Pre-FICA Employer Earnings (PPE)
6401 FUTA Employer Contribution N/A
6402 FUTA Employer Earnings N/A
6451 Pre-FUTA Employer Earnings (PPE)
6501 Medicare Employee Deduction N/A
6502 Medicare Employee Earnings N/A
6503 Medicare Employer Contribution N/A
6504 Medicare Employer Earnings N/A
6505Medicare2 Employee Addn Deduction N/A
6506Medicare2 Employee Addn Earnings N/A
6551 Pre-Medicare Employee Earnings (PPE)
6552 Pre-Medicare Employer Earnings (PPE)
6553 Pre-Medicare2 Employee Additional Earnings

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