||Element Usage ||PC Usage |CNTY TAX EARNS\\Regular Gross Taxable Earnings subject to\\County Tax calculation.|6851\\Pre-County Earnings \\– Reg Tax table \\method |CNTY PERC EARNS \\Regular Gross Taxable Earnings subject to \\County Tax calculation by% method. \\This element is used when Count Tax\\Method = on CNTY PERC EARNS\\This element may contain Taxable Earnings \\minus the tax exemption because when% \\method is used, Vertex is not subtracting the \\401K/403B, 125 plan contribution, therefore \\the User may set up this element that is \\already subtracting the 401K/403B, 125 \\amounts. |6852\\Pre-County Earnings \\– Reg Tax% Method |CNTY SUPPL EARNS \\Supplemental Gross Taxable Earnings subject \\to County Tax calculation. |6853 \\Pre-County Earnings\\– Suppl Tax |CNTY TAX - 125 \\125 plan contribution to be exempted from \\County Tax calculation |6854 \\Pre-County 125\\Exemption - Reg Tax |CNTY TAX - 401K \\401K/403B plan contribution to be exempted \\from County Tax calculation. |6855 \\Pre-County 401 \\Exemption - Reg Tax ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.U.S.+COUNTY+TAXATION+ELEMENT] [{InsertPage page='Internal.U.S.+COUNTY+TAXATION+ELEMENT' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]