TimeSheetTimeGenerator is called by#
- PTSE processLeaveLineChangeEvent
- 1. PTSE records created before the PTS.START_DATE
- Keep manually entered PTSE records created before the PTS.START_DATE
Delete any generated PTSE records generated before the PTS.START_DATE
- business example: UPTRA generated PTSE (UPTRA Apply Time Rules For Prior Periods)
- 2. PTSE records created after the PTS.END_DATE
- Delete any PTSE records generated after the PTS.END_DATE
- business example: PTS changed the time frame from PP to weekly or EE termination
- 3. Determine the last “Manual” changed PTSE
- Any PTSE record with “Manual” TIME_SHEET_ENTRY_SOURCE
- 4. Determine if there are leaves with status “1-Requested” before the last manual change
- 5. Determine dates to be reprocessed
- Dates too be reprocessed = any dates after last manual (#3) + any dates for “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change (#4)
- 6. For dates to be reprocessed - delete any PTSE records that are not manual
- Attention if we do not have any leaves with status “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change, there will be no need to check for manual PTSE because they will not exist for the reprocess dates
- 7. Rebuild PTSE for reprocess dates
- Holiday generation for Hours, Shift Calendar, Shift Pattern & Event scheduled
- Determine the holiday date (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
- Generate holiday PTSE records
- Work /Leave Time generation
- Hours PTS
- Determine the work day (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
- Create work PTSE conform with the work calendar/assignment/ work rule setup
- Create leave PTSE For “1-Requested”, “2-Request Processed” approved/not required approval
- Note: On PTSE insert the “3-In Payroll” AAL will be created(LeaveRequestProcessor logic)
- ZERO amount “3-In Payroll” AAL indicator
- When a leave PTSE is delete (IPTS…) a ZERO “3-In Payroll” AAL is created.
- If this logic is rerun, this indicator will instruct the system to do not regenerate “3-In Payroll” AAL for that d
- Create time sheet replacement if need it
- Removes the TRs records, perform auto balancing, calculate Givens and apply TRs (reusable RemoveOffsetRecordsBalacingCalculateGivensAndApplyRulesByTimeSheet logic)
- Shift Calendar PTS
- Create TSH
- Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
- Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date
- Shift Patter PTS
- TSH should be already generated (by running UTTP before UEGTS)
- Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
- Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date
- Hours PTS