Keep manually entered PTSE records created before the PTS.START_DATE Delete any generated PTSE records generated before the PTS.START_DATE
business example: UPTRA generated PTSE (UPTRA Apply Time Rules For Prior Periods)
2. PTSE records created after the PTS.END_DATE
Delete any PTSE records generated after the PTS.END_DATE
business example: PTS changed the time frame from PP to weekly or EE termination
3. Determine the last “Manual” changed PTSE
4. Determine if there are leaves with status “1-Requested” before the last manual change
5. Determine dates to be reprocessed
Dates too be reprocessed = any dates after last manual (#3) + any dates for “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change (#4)
6. For dates to be reprocessed - delete any PTSE records that are not manual
Attention if we do not have any leaves with status “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change, there will be no need to check for manual PTSE because they will not exist for the reprocess dates
7. Rebuild PTSE for reprocess dates
Holiday generation for Hours, Shift Calendar, Shift Pattern & Event scheduled
Determine the holiday date (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
Generate holiday PTSE records
Work /Leave Time generation
Hours PTS
Determine the work day (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
Create work PTSE conform with the work calendar/assignment/ work rule setup
Create leave PTSE For “1-Requested”, “2-Request Processed” approved/not required approval
Note: On PTSE insert the “3-In Payroll” AAL will be created(LeaveRequestProcessor logic)
ZERO amount “3-In Payroll” AAL indicator
When a leave PTSE is delete (IPTS…) a ZERO “3-In Payroll” AAL is created.
If this logic is rerun, this indicator will instruct the system to do not regenerate “3-In Payroll” AAL for that d
Create time sheet replacement if need it
Removes the TRs records, perform auto balancing, calculate Givens and apply TRs (reusable RemoveOffsetRecordsBalacingCalculateGivensAndApplyRulesByTimeSheet logic)
Shift Calendar PTS
Create TSH
Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date
Shift Patter PTS
TSH should be already generated (by running UTTP before UEGTS)
Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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