[{TableOfContents }]
!!What's New for Tax Year 2011
The following changes have been noted for reporting W2 wages to the Federal Government:
*(W2 Form) The ‘Advance Earned Income Credit Payment’ is eliminated for tax year beginning after December 31, 2010.  Box 9, Advance EIC payments, has been deleted from the 2011 Form W2.
*(W2 Form) Code DD is added to box 12 of the 2011 form W2 to report the cost of employer-sponsored health coverage.  However, this reporting will not be mandatory for 2011.
*(W2 Form) Code EE, Designated Roth contributions under a government section 457(b) plan, has been added to the list of codes in box 12 of Form W2.
*(W2 File) A new field, 'Kind of Employer', has been added to the RE Employer Record (position 174). This is a required field.
*(W2 File) A new field, 'Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage', has been added to the RW Employee Record (positions 463-473) and the RT Total Record (positions 295-309).
*(W2 File) A new field, 'Designated Roth Contributions Under a Governmental Section 457(b) Plan', has been added to the RO Employee Record (positions 111-121) and the RU Total Record (positions 145-159) 

!!Set Up
This document contains abbreviated set up requirement for the specific state only, please refer to the general document ([US_Annual_Qtrly_Reporting_GEN]) for other setup procedures that may also be required.

!!Set Up
!IDGV - State Registration
*The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab] tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Wisconsin
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Wisconsin  
*‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ - Must be ‘01’ in order to generate the Federal File layout that can be used to send to both the federal and state government.

!!State Procedures 
*The Wisconsin Department of Revenue accepts filing of W2s via magnetic media using the EFW2 format
*The required Record codes are: Code RA,RE,RW,RS,RF
*Wisconsin State allows for filing of the Wisconsin state information along with the federal file and other states’ information. Therefore, [IDGV] must be set up for State Registration of Wisconsin with the [IDGV] Variable:
**‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ 01 – Federal File format

!Annual W2 Wage Reporting – EFW2 Format
[RPYEU] must be run and the following selected to generate Federal file information:
|Report List Filters, Select State:|Do not select any state as this will process all states (Through this [RPYEU] run, the Media File can be sent to both the SSA government and WI State government).  If it is desired to send Wisconsin State information to the Wisconsin State, [RPYEU] can be run by selecting the Wisconsin State only.
|Parameters, Annual Form Code:|(example: use standard form code‘HL$US-W2-2012’)
|Parameters, Period Type:| Year
|Parameters, Period End Date:|Year End Date (i.e. 31-Dec-2011)
|Parameters, Media Format:|Federal File Format (to include the required code RW for state reporting)
%%warning The Directory and Media File Name parameters must be populated or an output file will not be produced.%%	

!!State Magnetic Media Reporting – EFW2 Format
!Record Name: Code RA - Transmitter Record (Required)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RA"

3-11		- Submitter’s Employer ID number (EIN)
		- Numeric only
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-ER-EIN’ (seq 1000)

12-28		- Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Software Vendor Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-PIN-NUMBER’ (seq 1010)
		- Please note that this filed consists of a 8-character PIN code in positions 12-19,
		a 4-digit Software Vendor Code in positions 20-23, and 5 blank characters in
		positions 24-28.

29		- Resub Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-RESUB-IND’ (seq 1020)

30-35		- Resub WFID
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-RESUB-WFID’ (seq 1030)

36-37		- Software Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SOFTWARE’ (seq 1040)

38-94		- Company Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-NAME’ (seq 1050)

95-116		- Location Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-LOCN’ (seq 1060)

117-138		- Delivery Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-DELIV’ (seq 1070)

139-160	 	- Company City
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-CITY’ (seq 1080)

161-162		- Company State Abbreviation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-STATE’ (seq 1090)

163-167		- Company ZIP code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-ZIP’ (seq 1100)

168-171		- Company ZIP code extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 1110)


177-199		- Company Foreign State/Province
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-F-STATE’ (seq 1120)

200-214		- Company Foreign Postal Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-F-POST’ (seq 1130)

215-216		- Company Country Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-COMP-COUNTRY’ (seq 1140)

217-273		- Submitter Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-NAME’ (seq 1150)

274-295		- Submitter Location Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-LOCN’ (seq 1160)

296-317		- Submitter Delivery Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-DELIV’ (seq 1170)

318-339		- Submitter City
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-CITY’ (seq 1180)

340-341		- Submitter State Abbreviation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-STATE’ (seq 1190)

342-346		- Submitter ZIP code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP’ (seq 1200)

347-350		- Submitter ZIP code extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 1210)


356-378		- Submitter Foreign State/Province
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-F-STATE’ (seq 1220)

379-393		- Submitter Foreign Postal Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-F-POST’ (seq 1230)

394-395		- Submitter Country Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-COUNTRY’ (seq 1240)

396-422		- Contact Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-NAME’ (seq 1250)

423-437		- Contact Phone Number
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-TEL’ (seq 1260)

438-442		- Contact Phone Extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-TEL-EXT’ (seq 1270)


446-485		- Contact E-mail
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’ (seq 1280)


489-498		- Contact FAX
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-FAX’ (seq 1290)

499-499		- Preferred Method of Problem Notification Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-METH’ (seq 1300)

500-500		- Preparer Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-PREPARER’ (seq 1310)


!Record Name: Code RE - Employer Record (Required)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RE"

3-6		- Tax year CCYY
		- From user specified FROM-TO period converted to CCYY

7		- Agent Indicator Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-AGENT-IND’ (seq 1500)

8-16		-Employer/Agent EIN
		- System derived the applicable Federal reporting EIN, from IDGV or IDGR

17-25		- Agent for EIN
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-FOR-EIN’ (seq 1510)

26		- Terminating Business Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-TERM-BUS’ (seq 1520)

27-30		- Establishment Number
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-ESTAB’ (seq 1530)

31-39		- Other EIN
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-OTHER-EIN’ (seq 1540)

40-96		- Employer Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-NAME’ (seq 2010)

97-118		- Employer Location Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-LOCN-ADDR’ (seq 2020)

119-140		- Employer Delivery Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-DELIV-ADDR’ (seq 2030)

141-162		- Employer City
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-CITY’ (seq 2040)

163-164		- Employer State Abbreviation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-STATE’ (seq 2050)

165-169		- Employer ZIP Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-ZIP’ (seq 2060)

170-173		- Employer ZIP Code Extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 2070)

174-174		- Kind of Employer
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-KIND-OF-EMPLOYER’ (seq 2120)

175-178	|Blank|

179-201		- Employer Foreign State/Province
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-F-STATE’ (seq 2080)

202-216		- Employer Foreign Postal Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-F-POSTAL’ (seq 2090)

217-218		- Employer Country Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-COUNTRY’ (seq 2100)

219		- Employment Code
		- from IDGR ‘W2 Employment Type’ or IPRLU FICA and Medicare method
- If IPRLU.FICA method = "Do not calculate" and MEDICARE method is NOT "Do Not Calculate" then the employee is classified as Employment Type ‘Q’ for W2 reporting
		- otherwise the W2 Type of employment is derived from IDGR screen

		- a set of code RE, RW/RO/RS, RT/RU records will be generated for different Type of employment

220		- Tax Jurisdiction Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-TAX-JURIS’ (seq 2110)

221		- Third-Party Sick Pay Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘SUB-3RD-PARTY-SICK’ (seq 1480)


!Record Name: Code RW – Employee Wage Record (Required)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RW"

3-11		- Social Security Number
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SSN’ (seq 2500)
		- if an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes.

12-26		- Employee First Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-FIRST-NAME’ (seq 2510)

27-41		- Employee Middle Name or Initial
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’ (seq 2520)

42-61		- Employee Last Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’ (seq 2530)

62-65		- Employee Suffix
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’ (seq 2540)

66-87		- Employee Location Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LOCN-ADDR’ (seq 2600)

88-109		- Employee Delivery Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-DELIV-ADDR’ (seq 2610)

110-131		- Employee City
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-CITY’ (seq 2620)

132-133		- Employee State Abbreviation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-STATE’ (seq 2630)

134-138		- Employee ZIP Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP’ (seq 2640)

139-142		- Employee ZIP Code Extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 2650)


148-170		- Employee Foreign State/Province
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’ (seq 2660)

171-185		- Employee Foreign Postal Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’ (seq 2670)

186-187		- Employee Country Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’ (seq 2680)

188-198		- Wages, Tips and other compensation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’ (seq 3000)

199-209		- Federal Income Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-TAX’ (seq 3010)

210-220		- Social Security Wages
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’ (seq 3020)

221-231		- Social Security Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TAX’ (seq 3030)

232-242		- Medicare Wages & Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’ (seq 3040)

243-253		- Medicare Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’ (seq 3050)

254-264		- Social Security Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TIP’ (seq 3060)

265-275		- Advanced Earned Income Credit
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EIC’ (seq 3080)

276-286		- Dependent Care Benefits
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-DEP-CARE’ (seq 3090)

287-297		- Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 401(k)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-D’ (seq 4030)

298-308		- Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 403(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-E’ (seq 4040)

309-319		- Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 408(k)(6)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-F’ (seq 4050)

320-330		- Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 457(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-G’ (seq 4060)

331-341		- Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 501(c)(18)(D)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-H’ (seq 4070)

342-352		- Military Employee’s Basic Quarters and Combat Pay
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-Q’ (seq 4140)

353-363		- Non-qualified Plan section 457
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-457’ (seq 3102)

364-374		- Employer Contribution to a Health Savings Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-W’ (seq 4190)

375-385		- Non-qualified Plan Not section 457
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’ (seq 3104)


408-418		- Employer cost of premiums for Group Term Life insurance over $50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-C’ (seq 4020)

419-429		- Income from Non-statutory Stock Options
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-V’ (seq 4180)


463-473		- Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-DD’ (seq 4250)


486		- Statutory Employee Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-STAT-EE’ (seq 6000)
		- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered


488		- Retirement Plan Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-RETIRE-PLAN’ (seq 6020)
		- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered

489		- Third-Party Sick Pay Indicator
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-3PARTY-SICK’ (seq 6060)
		- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered


!Record Name: Code RO – Employee Wage Record (Optional)

1-2      		- Record Identifier
		- Constant ‘RO’


;Location 12 to 264:Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands  employees.
12-22		- Allocated Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’ (seq 3070)

23-33		- Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips
		- combined the uncollected social security tax and the uncollected medicare tax
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-A’ + Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-B’ (seq 4010)

34-44		- Medical Savings Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-R’ (seq 4150)

45-55		- Simple Retirement Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-S’ (seq 4160)

56-66		- Qualified Adoption Expenses
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-T’ (seq 4170)

67-77		- Uncollected SSA tax on Group Ins > 50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-M’ (seq 4110)

78-88		- Uncollected Medicare tax on Group Ins > 50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-N’ (seq 4120)


111-121		- Designated Roth Contribution under section 457(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-EE’ (seq 4260)


Location 265 to 362 are for Puerto Rico Employees only.

266-274		- Spouse’s SSN
		- blank

275-285		- Wages Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

286-296		- Commissions Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

297-307		- Allowances Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

308-318		- Tips Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

319-329		- Total Wages, commissions, tips, and allowances subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

330-340		- Puerto Rico Tax Withheld
		- stored as zeroes

341-351		- Retirement Fund Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes


Location 363 to 384 are for Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or Northern Mariana Islands employees.

363-373		- Total wages, tips and other compensation subject to Virgin Islands, … income tax
		- stored as zeroes

374-384		- Virgin Islands, etc… Income Tax Withheld
		- stored as zeroes


!Record Name: Code RS - State Record (Required, include state of Wisconsin records only)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RS"

3-4		- State code, appropriate FIPS postal numeric code
		- system Derived from the State being reported
		- e.g.  Wisconsin is code "55"

5-9		- Taxing Entity Code
		- Not required

10-18		- Social Security Number
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SSN’
		- if an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes.

19-33		- Employee First Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-FIRST-NAME’

34-48		- Employee Middle Name or Initial
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’

49-68     	- Employee Last Name
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’

69-72     	- Employee Suffix
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’

73-94     	- Employee Location Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LOCN-ADDR’

95-116     	- Employee Delivery Address
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-DELIV-ADDR’

117-138     	- Employee City
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-CITY’

139-140     	- Employee State Abbreviation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-STATE’

141-145     	- Employee ZIP Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP’

146-149     	- Employee ZIP Code Extension
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’


155-177     	- Employee Foreign State/Province
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’
		- Not read by PA Revenue

178-192     	- Employee Foreign Postal Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’
		- Not read by PA Revenue

193-194     	- Employee Country Code
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’
		- Not read by PA Revenue

195-247	WI     	- Not required

248-267		- State Employer Account Number
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-STATE-REGIST’ for the reporting State


274-275		- State code, appropriate FIPS postal numeric code
		- system Derived from the State being reported
		- e.g.  Wisconsin is code "55"

276-286		- State Taxable Wages
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-WAGE-WORK’

287-297		- State Income Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-TAX-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-TAX-WORK’

298-307		- State advanced EIC
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-OTHER-20’ (seq code 5190)’

308-512		- Not required

!Record Name: Code RT - Total Record (Optional)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RT"

3-9		- Number of RW Records
		- Total number of code "RW" records reported since last code "RE" record

10-24		- Wages, Tips and Other Compensation
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

25-39		- Federal Income Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-TAX’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

40-54		- Social Security Wages
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

55-69		- Social Security Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TAX’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

70-84		- Medicare Wages and Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

85-99		- Medicare Tax Withheld
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

100-114		- Social Security Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TIP’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

115-129		- Advanced Earned Income Credit
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-EIC’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

130-144		- Dependent Care Benefits
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-DEP-CARE’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

145-159		- Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 401(k)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-D’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

160-174		- Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 403(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-E’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

175-189		- Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 408(k)(6)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-F’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

190-204		- Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 457(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-G’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

205-219		- Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 501(c)(18)(D)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-H’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

220-234		- Military Employee’s Basic Quarters and Combat Pay
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-Q’, total of all code ‘RW’ records since last ‘RE’ record 

235-249		- Non-Qualified Plan Section 457
		- Derived from IDFDV Identifier ‘W2-NQUAL-457’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

250-264		- Employer Contribution to a Health Savings Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-W’, total fo all code ‘RW’ records since last ‘RE’ record

265-279		- Non-Qualified Plan Not Section 457
		- Derived from IDFDV Identifier ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record


295-309		- Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-DD’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

310-324		- Employer Cost of Premiums for Group Term Life Insurance over $50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-C’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

325-339		- Income Tax Withheld by Third-Party Payer
		- Derived from IDFDV Identifier ‘SUB-3RD-PARTY-TAX’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record

340-354		- Income from Non-statutory Stock options
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier ‘W2-CODE-V’, total of all code "RW" records since last "RE" record


!Record Name: Code RU - Total Record (optional)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RU"

3-9		- Number of RO Records
		- Total number of code "RO" records reported since last code "RE" reocrd

10-24		- Allocated Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

25-39		- Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips
		- Derived from IDFDV ‘W2-CODE-A’ and ‘W2-CODE-B’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

40-54		- Medical Savings Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-R’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

55-69		- Simple Retirement Account
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-S’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

70-84		- Qualified Adoption Expenses
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-T’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

85-99		- Uncollected SSA tax on Group Ins > 50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-M’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record

100-114		- Uncollected Medicare tax on Group Ins > 50000
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-N’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record


145-159		- Designated Roth Contribution under section 457(b)
		- Derived from IDFDV screen, Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-EE’, total of all code "RO" records since last "RE" record


355-369		- Wages Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

370-384		- Commissions Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

385-399		- Allowances Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

400-414		- Tips Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

415-429		- Total Wages, commissions, tips, and allowances subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

430-444		- Puerto Rico Tax Withheld
		- stored as zeroes

445-459		- Retirement Fund Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
		- stored as zeroes

460-474		- Total wages, tips and other compensation subject to Virgin Islands, … income tax
		- stored as zeroes

475-489		- Virgin Islands, or Guam, or American Samoa, or Northern Mariana Islands Income Tax Withheld
		- stored as zeroes


!Record Name: Code RV – Total State Record (optional)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RV"

3-512		- To be defined by participating states

!Record Name: Code RF - Final Record (Required)

1-2		- Record Identifier
		- Constant "RF"


8-16		- Number of RW Records
		- Total number of code "RW" records on file

State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting – State Format (80-character Special Format)

- When RPYEU is run, the user can select the following to generate State UI File information:
		Media Format:			- State SUI File Format
		Select State:			- Wisconsin, USA

-	The ‘Quarterly Form Code’ must be entered in order to produce the UI File in the Wisconsin State required format 

- You must select state WISCONSIN in the ‘Report List Filters’.
- Annual Form Code’ – use the standard HighLine supplied form code HL$US-W2-2012.  You will have to enter the ‘Variables’ in this Form Code for use specifically in your installation.
- The ‘Quarterly Form Code’ must be entered in order to produce UI wage file in ICESA format. – use the HighLine supplied Form Code ‘HL$US-QTR-2012’.. You will have to enter the ‘Variables’ in this Form Code for use specifically in your installation.
- Period Type: Quarter.
- Period End Date: Enter the quarter end date, i.e. 30-Jun-2011.
- Media File Type: State SUI File Format.
- If the Directory Name/Media File Name is not supplied, an output file will not be produced.


!UI Wage Reporting Detail Record Format
|1-10|Employer UI Account Number|
|11-13|Reporting Period Quarter Year (QYY)|
|14-22|Social Security Number| 
|23-32|Employee Last Name|
|33-40|Employee First Name|
|41-49|Employe Quarterly UI Total Gross Wages|Derived from the [IDFDV] SUI Total Wages
|50-51|Record Code|Constant ‘01’

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