[{TableOfContents }]

!!Set Up
This document contains abbreviated set up requirements for Wisconsin State only.  Please refer to the general document ([Tax Reporting - US General]) for other setup procedures that may also be required.

!!Set Up
!IDGV - State Registration
The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab] tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Wisconsin
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Wisconsin  
*W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’- Must be ‘01’ in order to generate the Federal File layout used to send to both the federal and state governments.

!!State Procedures 
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue accepts filing of W2s via magnetic media using the EFW2 format
*The required Record codes are: Code RA, RE, RW, RS, RT and RF
*Wisconsin State allows for filing of the Wisconsin state information along with the federal file and other states’ information. Therefore, [IDGV] must be set up for State Registration of Wisconsin with the [IDGV] Variable:
**W2 STATE MEDIA FILING: 01 – Federal File format

!Annual W2 Wage Reporting – EFW2 Format
[RPYEU] must be run with the following report parameters and filters defined to generate the Federal file information:

__RPYEU Report Parameters__
|Annual Form Code|Use standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
|Period Type|Mandatory. Defines the period type.  Enter "Year" for Annual reporting and "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
|Period End Date|Mandatory.  Defines the end date of the reporting period.
|Media Format|Mandatory.  Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
|Directory Name| Mandatory.  Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
|Media File Name|Mandatory.  Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

__RPYEU Report Filters__
|Select State: Wisconsin, USA

!!State Magnetic Media Reporting – EFW2 Format

!Record Name: Code RA – Submitter Record 
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RA'}]
!Record Name: Code RE – Employer Record 
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RE'}]
!Record Name: Code RW – Employer Record 
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RW'}]

!Record Name: Code RO – Employer Record 
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RO'}]

!Record Name: Code RS - State Record (Required)
__Generates State of Wisconsin records only__ \\ 

|1-2|Record Identifier|Constant "RS"
|3-4|State Code|Enter the appropriate FIPS code.  Wisconsin is code "55". \\Derived from the State being reported
|5-9|Taxing Entity Code|Not applicable for Wisconsin Reporting.  Fill with blanks.
|10-18|Social Security Number|Enter the employee's SSN.\\If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes. \\Derived from [IDFDV] W2-EE-SSN Field Identifier 
|19-33|Employee First Name|Enter the employee's first name. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] W2-EE-FIRST-NAME Field Identifier
|34-48|Employee Middle Name or Initial|Enter the employee's middle name or initial, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’
|49-68|Employee Last Name|Enter the employee's last name. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’
|69-72|Employee Suffix|Enter the employee's alphabetical suffix, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’
|73-94|Employee Location Address|Enter the employee's location address. Include suite, room number, etc. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LOCN-ADDR’
|95-116|Employee Delivery Address|Enter the employee's delivery address. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-DELIV-ADDR’
|117-138|Employee City|Enter the employee's city. Left justify and fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-CITY’
|139-140|Employee State Abbreviation|Enter the employee's State postal abbreviation. Left justify and fill with blanks. For a foreign address, fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-STATE’
|141-145|Employee ZIP Code|Enter the employee's zip code. For a foreign address, fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP’
|146-149|Employee ZIP Code Extension|Enter the employee's four-digit zip code extension. If not applicable, fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’
|150-154|Blank|Reserved for SSA use.  Fill with blanks.
|155-177|Employee Foreign State/Province|Enter the employee's foreign State/Province, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.\\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’
|178-192|Employee Foreign Postal Code|Enter the employee's foreign postal code, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks. \\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’
|193-194|Employee Country Code|If one of the following applies, fill with blanks: \\ \\* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A. \\* District of Columbia \\* Military Post Office (MPO) \\* American Samoa \\* Guam \\* Northern Mariana Islands \\* Puerto Rico \\* Virgin Islands \\ Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code. \\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’
|195-247|Not required for Wisconsin Reporting|Fill with blanks.
|248-267|State Employer Account Number|Enter the 15-digit Wisconsin Withholding Tax number (or the state employer account number for other state shown in positions 274-275).  \\Left justify and fill with blanks. \\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-STATE-REGIST’ for the reporting State
|268-273|Blank|Reserved for SSA use.  Fill with blanks.
|274-275|State code|Enter the appropriate FIPS state code where state income tax should be reported.  Wisconsin is code "55". \\Derived from the state being reported
|276-286|State Taxable Wages|Taxable Wages for Wisconsin (or other state shown in positions 274-275).  Include dollars and cents. Right justify and zero fill. \\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-WAGE-WORK’
|287-297|State Income Tax Withheld|Wisconsin Income Tax Withheld (or other state shown in positions 274-275).  Include dollars and cents. Right justify and zero fill. \\Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-TAX-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-TAX-WORK’
|298-337|Blank|Not used for annual W2 information.  Fill with blanks.
|338-412|Supplemental Data 1|To be defined by users
|413-487|Supplemental Data 2|To be defined by users
|488-512|Blank|Reserved for SSA use.  Fill with blanks.

!Record Name: Code RT - Total Record (Required)
When filing the "RT" record, only positions 1-9 must be reported.  There are no other defined fields for Wisconsin totals, only federal totals.  

|1-2|Record Identifier|Constant "RT"
|3-9|Number of RW Records|Total number of code "RW" records reported since last code "RE" record.  Right justify and zero fill.

!Record Name: Code RU – Employer Record (Optional)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RU'}]

!Record Name: Code RV – Employer Record (Optional)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RV'}]

!Record Name: Code RF - Final Record (Required)
When filing the "RF" record, only positions 1-16 must be reported.  There are no other defined fields for Wisconsin totals, only federal totals.  
|1-2|Record Identifier|Constant "RF"
|8-16|Number of RW Records|Total number of code "RW" records on file. Right justify and zero fill.
!!State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting
__State Format (80-character Special Format)__ \\ \\
[RPYEU] must be run with the following report parameters and filters defined to generate the State UI File information:
\\ \\
__RPYEU Report Parameters__
|Quarterly Form Code|Mandatory.  Quarterly Form Code HL$US-W2-20YY, defined on the IDFDV form. Must be entered in order to produce the UI wage file in [ICESA] format. The ‘Variables’ must be entered into this Form code for specific use in the installation. \\NOTE: Always use the current year form code.  __DO NOT__ use a prior year form code as the Identifiers may be obsolete.
|Period Type|Mandatory. Defines the period type.  Enter "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
|Period End Date|Mandatory.  Defines the end date of the reporting period.
|Media Format|Mandatory.  Enter State SUI File Format.  Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
|Directory Name| Mandatory.  Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
|Media File Name|Mandatory.  Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

__RPYEU Report Filters__
|Select State: Wisconsin, USA

!UI Wage Reporting Detail Record Format
|1-10|Employer UI Account Number|Enter the 10-digit UI Account Number
|11-13|Reporting Period Quarter Year|Enter in QYY format
|14-22|Social Security Number|Enter the employee's SSN \\If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes. \\Derived from [IDFDV] W2-EE-SSN Field Identifier 
|23-32|Employee Last Name|Enter the employee's last name
|33-40|Employee First Name|Enter the employee's first name
|41-49|Employee Quarterly UI Total Gross Wages|Include dollars and cents. Right justify and zero fill.  Omit commas, decimal points and dollar signs. \\Derived from the [IDFDV] SUI Total Wages
|50-51|Record Code|Constant ‘01’
|52-80|Blank|Blank fill positions 52-80, and place carriage return in position 81.
|81|Carriage Return

%%NOTE: Each line in the file is an 80 byte record, terminated by a carriage return. Files may be rejected if carriage returns are not placed in the correct position within the file.

![Notes|Edit:Internal.Tax Reporting - WI]
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