[{TableOfContents }]

!!!Washington Annual and Quarterly Reporting
!!What's New for Tax Year 2011
Washington state does not have state personal income tax.
There were no file format changes in UI wage reporting for the state of Washington for tax year 2011.

!!Set Up
This document contains abbreviated set up requirement for the state of Washington only, please refer to the general document ([US_Annual_Qtrly_Reporting_GEN]) for other setup procedure that may also be required.

!IDGV - State Registration
*The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab]tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
*'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be ‘02’ to generate WA State magnetic media file for WA State only.

!IDGV - State SUI Registration
*The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab]tab must be set up with 'State SUI Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up with 'State SUI Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
**'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be ‘02’ to generate UI wage magnetic media file for Washington.

!!State File Procedures
*Washington does not have state personal income tax.
*The state of Washington Department of Labor accepts filing of Quarterly UI wages via magnetic media using the [ICESA] format.

!State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting - ICESA File Format
[RPYEU] must be run and the following selected to generate Washington state UI Wage file information:
|Media Format:|State SUI File Format
|Select State:|Washington, USA
* The state of Washington must be selected in the 'Report List Filters'.
*Annual Form Code - Use the standard supplied form code HL$US-W2-2012. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
*The 'Quarterly Form Code' must be entered in order to produce the UI wage file in [ICESA] format. 
*Use the  supplied form code 'HL$US-QTR-2012'. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
*Period Type:Quarter
*Period End Date:Enter the quarter end date, i.e. 30-Jun-2011
*Media File Type:State SUI File Format\\  \\
*If the Directory Name/Media File Name is not supplied, an output file will not be produced.

!!Quarterly UI Wage Magnetic Media Reporting – ICESA format
%%information Please note that the following ‘Not Required’ fields may or may not always contain blanks.%%
%%information Note: Columns marked with  WA  indicates it is a Washington state specific requirement which is not the standard record format%%

!Record Name: Code A - Transmitter Record 	
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘A’
|2-5|Payment Year\\   \\Enter year for which this report is being prepared|From user specified FROM-TO period converted to YYYY
|6-14|Transmitter’s Federal EIN\\   \\Enter only numeric characters; omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier:‘TRAN EIN’ (seq 1010).
|15-18|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|24-73|Transmitter Name\\   \\Enter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN NAME’ (seq 1030)
|74-113|Transmitter Street Address.\\    \\Enter the street address of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ADDRESS’ (seq 1040)
|114-138|Transmitter City\\   \\Enter the city of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CITY’ (seq 1050)
|139-140|Transmitter State\\   \\Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN STATE’ (seq 1060)
|154-158|Transmitter ZIP Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP CODE’ (seq 1080)
|159-163|Transmitter ZIP Code extension\\   \\Use this field as necessary for the four digit extension of ZIP code\\   \\Includes a hyphen in position 159|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP EXTN’ (seq 1070; include ‘-‘ in position 159)
|164-193|Transmitter Contact\\   \\Title of individual from transmitter organization responsible for the accuracy of the wage report|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT’(seq 1090)
|194-203|Transmitter Contact Telephone Number|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT PHONE’ (seq 1100)
|204-207|Telephone Extension/Box\\   \\Enter transmitter telephone extension or message box|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT EXTN’ (seq 1110)
|208-242 WA|Blank|
|243-250|Media Creation Date\\   \\Enter date in MMDDYYYY format|Derived from the System Date

!Record Name: Code B - Authorization Record
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘B’
|2-5|Payment Year\\   \\Enter the year for which this report is being prepared|
|6-14|Transmitter’s Federal EIN\\  \\Enter only numeric characters|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier:  BASIC EIN (seq 2010)
|15-22|Computer\\   \\Enter the manufacturer’s name|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC COMPUTER’ (seq 2020)
|23-24|Internal Label\\   \\‘SL’, ‘NS’, ‘NL’, ‘AL’, or blank for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC INTERNAL LABEL’ (seq 2100, first 2 characters)
|25-225	WA|Blank|
|226-275 WA|Transmitter contact email address|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’ (seq 1280)

!Record Name: Code E - Employer Record 	
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘E’
|2-5|Payment Year\\  \\Enter the year for which the report is being prepared|
|6-14|Federal EIN\\   \\Enter only numeric characters of the Federal EIN| 
|24-73|Employer Name\\   \\Enter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the state UI agency|Derived from the Entity 
|74-113|Employer Street Address|Derived from the Entity Location
|114-138|Employer City|Derived from the Entity Location
|139-140|Employer State\\   \\Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation of the employer’s address|Derived from the Entity Location
|149-153|ZIP code extension\\   \\Enter four digit extension of ZIP code, including the hyphen in position 149|Derived from the Entity Location
|154-158|ZIP code|Derived from the Entity Location.
|159-166 WA|Blank|
|167-170|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|171-172|State Identifier Code.\\   \\Enter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported|Numeric Code for Washington is ‘53’
|173-187|State Unemployment Insurance Account Number|Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration
|188-189|Reporting Period\\   \\‘03’, ‘06’, ‘09’, or ‘12’|
|190-190|No Workers/No Wages\\   \\Enter ‘0’ to indicate that the ‘E’ record will not be followed by the ‘S’ record\\   \\Enter ‘1’ to indicate otherwise|
|191-191 WA|Blank|
|192-201 WA|Agent Code\\  \\Blank|
|202-255 WA|Blank|
|256-256|Foreign Indicator\\   \\If data in positions 74-158 is for a foreign address, enter the letter ‘X’, else leave it blank|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘FOREIGN ADDR INDICATOR’ (seq 3040)
|258-269 WA|Other EIN\\  \\Enter Blanks if no other EIN was used|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘OTHER EIN’ (seq 3060)

!Record Name: Code S – Employee Wage Record 
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘S’
|2-10|Social Security Number\\   \\Employee’s social security number; if not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10|
|11-30|Employee Last Name|
|31-42|Employee First Name|
|43-43|Employee Middle Initial\\  \\Leave blank if no middle initial|
|44-45|State Code\\   \\Enter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported\\  \\Use ‘53’ for Washington state|
|50-63	WA|Employee’s Exercised Stock Options for this quarter|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier:Sequence 4180
|64-77|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages\\   \\Enter quarterly wages subject to unemployment taxes|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: 7200
|78-91|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages\\   \\Quarterly wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base|
|92-105|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages\\   \\State QTR UI total wages less state QTR UI excess wages|
|106-131 WA|Blank|
|132-135 WA|Number of Hours Worked\\   \\The number of hours worked in the reporting period|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Sequence 3300
|136-142 WA|Blank|
|143-146|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|147-161|Employment Security Reference Number\\  \\Enter state UI employer account number|SUI Registration Number from IDGV
|162-209 WA|Blank|
|210-210|Officer Code\\  \\Enter ‘1’ for officers of the corporation, else enter ‘0’|
|211-211 WA|Blank|
|212-212|Month-1 Employment\\   \\Enter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month, else enter ‘0’|
|213-213|Month-2 Employment\\   \\Enter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month, else enter ‘0’|
|214-214|Month-3 Employment\\   \\Enter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month, else enter ‘0’|
|215-220|Reporting Quarter and Year\\   \\Enter the last month and year for the calendar period for which this report applies (i.e. 062008 for Apr-June 2008)|

!Record Name: Code T - Total Record	
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘T’
|2-8|Total Number of Employees\\  \\The total number of ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|9-12|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|13-26	WA|Total amount of exercised stock options for this employer|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: Sequence 4180
|27-40|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages for Employer\\  \\QTR wages subject to state unemployment taxes\\   \\Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|41-54|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages for employer\\  \\QTR wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base\\  \\Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|55-68|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages for employer\\  \\QTR UI total wages less state QTR UI excess wages\\  \\Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|82-87	WA|UI tax rate this quarter\\   \\The employer UI rate for this reporting period\\   \\Six digits with one assumed decimal point  (e.g. 2.8%=’028000’)|
|88-100|State QTR UI taxes due\\   \\UI taxes due\\   \\QTR state UI taxable wages times UI tax rate|

|101-111|Previous Quarter(s) underpayment\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

112-122		- Interest\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

123-133		- Penalty\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

134-144		- Credit/Overpayment\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

145-148	WA	- Employment Administration Fund Tax Rate.
		- Right Justify, Zero fill.  Decimal point is assumed (e.g. 0.03%=0003).

149-159		- Employment Administration Fund Assessment Amount\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

160-163	WA	- Total Exempt Corporate Officers\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

164-174		- Employee Assessment Amount.
		- Blank.

175-185		- Total Payment Due\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

186-196	WA	- Amount Remitted\\   \\State Specific Data\\   \\If not used, enter zero|

197-200	WA	- Additional 4 digit decimal position for Amount Remitted.
		- Blanks.

201-226	WA|Blank|

227-233		- Month-1 Employment for employer.
		- Total number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month.  Total fo all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.

234-240		- Month-2 Employment.
		- Total number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month.  Total fo all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.

241-247		- Month-3 Employment.
		- Total number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month.  Total for all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.

248-267	WA|Blank|

268-268	WA	- Reason Code for entering Excess Wages.
		- Constant ‘0’.


!Record Name: Code F - Final Record	
1-1		- Record Identifier.
		- Constant ‘F’.

2-11		- Total Number of Employees in File
		- Enter the total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file

12-21		- Total Number of Employers in File
		- Enter the total number of ‘E’ records in the entire file

22-25		- Taxing Entity Code.
		- Constant ‘UTAX’

26-40	WA|Blank|

41-55		- Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Total Wages in File
		- QTR wages subject to state UI tax.  Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file

56-70		- Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages in File
		- QTR wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base.  Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file

71-85		- Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages in File
		- State UI gross/total wage less quarterly state UI excess wages.  Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file

86-100	WA	- Total Remittance Amount

101-139	WA|Blank|

140-154	WA	- Total Amount remitted for all employers in this file.

155-158	WA	- Total Amount Remitted Extension, Additional 4 digit decimal position for Amount Remitted.
		- Blanks.


![Notes|Edit:Internal.Tax Reporting - WA]
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