!!Time Rule Overview
This is a helper time rule which is used to determine the beginning of the work week depending on the minimum number of days off before the first day of work.
!!Additional Info
*one band is supported 
[Targeted Time Code Set|DTCS_ID_TARGET] is a collection of time codes that help identify the work week
It is to be used in conjunction with the following time rules:
The work week starts on the first day of work following the number of absence days defined in the band or 7 days after the start of the previous work week.

The system will look back up to 30 days until it finds the minimum days off defined in the band.

When the minimum number of days off are found the work week first day is the first work day. If the "Value" has a value defined, this will be an indicator that the week should start with the day off.

If the process date is not in this week the system will add 7 days until the process date belongs to the calculated week.

If the system cannot find the minimum number of days off defined in the band, the start of the week will be Sunday.

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. See [Time Rule Improvements|TIME_RULE_IMPROVEMENTS] for additional information regarding [IDWR].

||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] ||[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]||[Day Of Week |DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE]||[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION]||[Targeted Time Code Sets |DTCS_ID_TARGET]||[Apply Time Code Sets|DTCS_ID_APPLY]
|Minimum # of  days off before week start|No|No|Include off days (**)|No|No|No|Replace|Required (*)|No

(*) Collection of time codes that help to identify the work week. We can see leave time codes included also in the target time code set but everything depends on the business needs of the client and what they consider a work week and what is the real meaning of the day off.

(**) If there is nothing in the Value the week will start on the first work day, otherwise the week will start with the first day off	

Examples:    "Band" = 2

1. Value" is not defined, the week will start in the first work day after minimum off days off is reached or 7 days after previous work week.                
|   |	   | 1|	2|	3|	4|	5|	6|	7|	1

2. Value" is something other then 0 then the week will start in the first off day after the minimum number of days off is reached or 7 days after previous work week.  

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