Time Rule Overview#

This helper time rule holds the time code sets that are eligible for using an alternate time code, up to a specified amount on the timesheets (UPTO_AMOUNT_ALT_TIME_CODE2). This rule is used by the UPCTSP process to turn paid time to compensation time, up to the time defined on an employee's timesheet, UPTO_AMOUNT_ALT_TIME_CODE2. This column is available under ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET_UPTO_AMOUNTS timesheet action. Changes made with this time rule are only seen later in the payroll cycle and will not be reflected on the timesheet being submitted.

Requirements / Features#

  • Time Rule Type Code: UPTO AMNT DTC2
  • Time Rule is used with TR_UPTO_AMNT_DTC1 both are required setup to function.
  • This time rule requires form definition and object security changes for the timesheet used (WEPTS) to change to a different Submit button. PTS.ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET_UPTO_AMOUNTS in place of the delivered button

Additional Info #

  • Frequency predefined as Never


The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below.

CycleFrequencySeqTime Rule TypeBandFromToValueDayTime CodePremiumTarget Time Code Set Apply Time Code SetAction
Never1690 NoNoNoNoNoNoNo RequiredAdd

Notes #

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