!!!TRACK_O_ML_W_TCE - Track Only Meal with Punches
!!Time Rule Overview
This time rule reviews the current lunch period rules, defined on [ITSS] for the day, and deducts the lunch period from an employee.  The system will not deduct the full value of the lunch, if an employee punches IN time that is less than the scheduled lunch period.  

If an employee’s lunch punches are in excess of the scheduled lunch period, two separate transactions are created; one for the lunch period, and one for the exception.

__This is an indicator time rule that instructs the system not to look for missing lunch punches during time generation.__

!!Requirements / Features
* If an employee leaves the site, they are required to punch IN and OUT for lunch.
* If an employee does not leave the site during the lunch period, they are not required to punch IN or OUT for lunch.

This time rule is applied during the processing of a clock punch, such as an ITCE process punch action.

!!Additional Information

* Frequency predefined as Never 

The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below.
| |Never|1770| |No|No|No|No|No|No|No|No|No|Add

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