Time Rule Overview#

If the employee clocks in earlier than the start time of the shift (e.g. 10 minutes before the shift starts), and the difference between the clock in time and shift start time is greater than the value defined in the band on the time rule, than the time within the band before the shift will be replaced with the time code defined on the time rule.

  • There may be cases where the individual employee will need to "waive" the time rule, this can be done on the DTEDC form.


  • If the employee punches in more than 10 min prior to the start of the shift and attends all required meetings they should receive 10 min of time in a separate time code from their shift time.
  • If the employee punches in less than 10 min prior to the start of the shift they should just round to the start of the shift and not receive roll call time.
  • If the employee punches in on time to receive the time, but does not attend the required meetings then a timekeeper will manually remove the awarded time from the employee.”

Requirements / Features#

[1] If left blank system default will be 5
[2] Frequency predefined as Every Shift
[3] Sequence should be provided
[4] Time Rule Type ROLL CALL
[5] Band will be the amount of time in minutes the employee can clock in before the start of the shift in which this time rule will be applied
[6] Day can be used to specify which day of the week the rule applies
[7] This will be the time code that will be used when this time rule fires
[8] Target Time Code Set must contain CLOCK IN EARLY time codes only
[9] Apply Time Code is not allowed
[10] Can be waived should default as enabled. This must be enabled to waive this rule for individual employees

Additional Info #

Set the Time Rounding Rule on IDWR to null( Details tab)


The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below;
CycleFrequencySeqTime Rule TypeBandFromToValueDayTime CodePremiumTarget Time Code Set Apply Time Code SetActionCan be Waived
[1]Every Shift[2][3]ROLL CALL[4]# of Min[5]NoNoNoAllowed[6]Required[7] NoRequired [8]No[9]ReplaceYes [10]