!!Time Rule Overview
The purpose of this rule is to ensure that if a premium was earned during the shift time that is more than the minimum to qualify, then the premium will be awarded for the entire shift time.

%%information When this rule is applied, any premium of the same type (ISPM-Premium Type) will be removed.%%

!!Additional  Info 
*multiple bands are supported
*Minimum time to qualify
[Frequency    |FREQUENCY]
*predefined as ‘Every Shift’
The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. See [Time Rule Improvements|TIME_RULE_IMPROVEMENTS] for additional information regarding [IDWR].

|Minimum time with premium defined to qualify *|No|No|No|Allowed|No|Allowed|Add/Replace|Allowed

* If [band|QUALIFYING_BAND] is less than one, then the employee needs to have at least that percent from shift time with the same premium to qualify. If [band|QUALIFYING_BAND] is greater than one then the employee needs to have at least that number of hours with the same premium to qualify.

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