!!Time Rule Overview
This time rule will generate the paid holiday based on the actual time worked by an employee.  To identify work on the day of a holiday, the rule will use the:
* [Worked Time Code|DTC_ID_WORK] defined in [IDHC] 
* Time code specified in the [DFT Time Code|TR_DFLT_TIME_CODE] time rule, or 
* Target time code set, if defined.

This time rule should be used when the worked time is not always predictable, such as shift patterns.

The only [Observe On|OBSERVED_ON] rule which this time rule respects is Holiday Date.

* This time rule can be used to allow the holiday paid hours to exceed the assignment hours per day for part time employees.

!!Additional Info
* Frequency predefined as Every Day

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. 

||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] ||[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]||[Day Of Week |DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE]||[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION]||[Targeted Time Code Sets |DTCS_ID_TARGET]||[Apply Time Code Sets|DTCS_ID_APPLY]
|#|No|No|1 = "Allow Exceed Assignment Hours for FTE <1" (***)|No|Allowed (*)|No|Add|Allowed (**)|No

[1] A time code is allowed in the definition but should be used only when you need to override the [Holiday Time Code|DTC_ID_LEAVE] from [IDHC]. If you need to use [Day Off Time Code|DTC_ID_OFF]  you should not define the time code at the Time Rule level.

[2] The [Targeted Time Code Set |DTCS_ID_TARGET] can include:
* The Holiday Worked Time Code, defined in [IDHC], or 
* The Time Code applied by [Worked Holiday time rule|TR_WORKED_HOLIDAY], or 
* The [Default Time Code|TR_DFLT_TIME_CODE]

depending on each organization's requirements. 

If the [Targeted Time Code Set |DTCS_ID_TARGET] is not defined, the [Worked Time Code|DTC_ID_WORK] from [IDHC] or the time code from [Default Time Code|TR_DFLT_TIME_CODE] rule is used to identify if the employee worked on the Holiday.

[3] If the value is defined as 1, then for part time employees who work on a holiday, the holiday time paid can exceed the hours defined at the assignment level and can be equal with the work hours on a holiday.

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