!!OT HITCH WEEK - Overtime Hitch Week
!!Time Rule Overview
This time rule uses the [HITCH|TR_HITCH] helper time rule to determine the start of the week and the Hitch start date for the OT_HITCH_WEEK and OT_CONSC_NO_SCH time rules.

This time rule calculates Weekly OT based on determining the Hitch start, from the [HITCH|TR_HITCH] time rule, then looking back the number of days defined in the Value, then looking forward 7 days.

The number of days before the Hitch date, defined in the Value, will be used to determine the start of the week.

Once the start of the week is determined, this time rule will calculate the total time worked in the week up to the current day, and compare this value with the defined Band field to determine if the time rule will be applied or not.

Organizations can use [OT WORK WEEK|TR_OT_WORKWEEK] and [WK START OFF DAY|TR_WK_START_OFF_DAY] instead of [HITCH|TR_HITCH] and [OT HITCH WEEK|TR_OT_HITCH_WEEK] as they behave in similar manners. 

!!Requirements / Features
*Time Rule Type Code:  OT HITCH WEEK

!!Additional Info 
Frequency predefined as Every Day

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. 

| |Every Day|1150| |Minimum # of hours to qualify|No|No|Minimum # of days before Hitch start|Allowed|Allowed [1]|Allowed|Required|Allowed [2]|Add/Replace

[1] The time code that should be applied must be defined in the Time Code field. \\
[2] If the Apply Time Code Set is defined, the rule will apply from the start of the week to the current date. 
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