!!!OT DAILY - Overtime Daily Time Rule
!!Time Rule Overview
This time rule will grant overtime when an employee exceeds the hours per day, defined in the Band.  

!!Requirements / Features           
*This rule has been modified to look at the new time code sets when defined. If no set is defined it will target all Work Rule time codes that have the [Daily OT|DAILY_OT_ELIGIBLE| toggle set to ON. 
*Time Rule Type Code: OT DAILY

!!Additional Info 
*minimum number of hours worked to qualify for OT DAILY  
*the assignment hours per day may be used as the minimum number of qualifying  hours, to do this the band must be defined with a -1.              
**predefined as ‘Every Day’

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. See [Time Rule Improvements|TIME_RULE_IMPROVEMENTS] for additional information regarding [IDWR].

|Hrs to qualify|No|No|No|Allowed|Allowed|Allowed|Replaced/Add|Allowed

(*) If the number of the band  is "-1" the assignment hours per day will be the  minimum of qualifying  hours   

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