OFF DUTY STIPEND - Off Duty Stipend#

Time Rule Overview#

This time rule ensures that offshore employees will be compensated for all hours worked, and up to a maximum 4 hours of off-duty stipend for each 24 hour period they are on the platform.

On a regularly scheduled work day, compensable time for purposes of off-duty stipend pay will be calculated as:

  • 24 hours minus 8 hours unpaid rest time, minus actual hours worked.

Off-duty stipend pay will be paid at the effective hourly rate, plus overtime as applicable. The off-duty stipend will not be paid on any day that the employee leaves the platform before completing a 24 hour cycle.

When an employee is working overtime on the platform and does not get a reasonable nights sleep (at least 5 hours continuous rest) during their normal 12 hour non-working period, the employee will be compensated for all hours in the 24-hour workday. The non-worked hours will be compensated at a maximum rate of 2 times the effective hourly rate of pay.

Off-duty stipend pay in the amount of 4 hours will be added to sick days, vacation, jury duty and funeral leave, except on the day that the employee was scheduled to leave the platform.

If an employee begins working before their scheduled shift on the first day of their hitch, those hours are not counted as worked hours when calculating the off-duty stipend pay.

Step-up Relief Pay and/or Night Differential will not be paid on off-duty stipend pay.


Pay WeekGenerated TimeManually Entered TimeAfter Rules Applied
Day 1 (Sun)
Day 2 (Mon)
Day 3 (Tue)
Day 4 (Wed)
Day 5 (Thu)4PM - 6AM 144
Day 6 (Fri)6PM - 6AM 124
Day 7 (Sat)6PM - 8AM 142
Day 8 (Sun)6PM - 9AM, 1PM - 3PM177
Day 9 (Mon)5PM - 6AM, 1PM - 4PM160
Day 10 (Tue)6PM - 6AM - SICK124
Day 11 (Wed)6PM - 6AM - CALL OUT12 4
Day 12 (Thu)6PM - 6AM120
Day 13 (Fri)
Day 14 (Sat)


The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below.

CycleFrequencySeqTime Rule TypeBandFromToValueDayTime CodePremiumTarget Time Code Set Apply Time Code SetAction
1070 NoNoNo# of hours to top upAllowedAllowedNo AllowedAdd

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