OFF DAY LATENT SHIFT – Off Day Latent Shift #

Time Rule Overview#

This time rule is not really a time rule, but a shift set up on the IDWC form, to generate time only if an employee shows up at work on a scheduled day off.

When an employee punches IN on a scheduled day off, and has a shift attached, the shift is used for the IN, OUT and LATE times. If the employee does not punch IN on a scheduled day off, the day is treated as a day off and no time is generated for the shift.

NOTE: A clock punch exception is generated only when the IN/OUT clock punches are paired.

This type of shift will not generate time until there is at least one clock punch for a shift.

Requirements / Features#

  • Time Rule Type Code: OFF DAY LATENT SHIFT

Additional Info #

  • Frequency predefined as Never


The time rule should be set up in IDWC as shown below.
  • For each scheduled day off, a shift should be defined in the Assigned To field on IDWC.
  • If the time needs to be generated under another time code, this can also be defined on IDWC.

CycleFrequencySeqTime Rule TypeBandFromToValueDayTime CodePremiumTarget Time Code Set Apply Time Code SetAction

Development Approach

  • Create a new scheduled shift status (X_SCHEDULED_SHIFT_STATUS) named Latent. This will be used when the scheduled shift is created for the shift defined on IDWC on a day off.

Notes #

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