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!!!Non Overlay Leave

!!Time Rule Overview

This time rule is to address the issue of Leaves entered on [WETTS] and [WEALP] that do not respect the Adjust Scheduled Time toggle on [IDTC].  This helper time rule instructs the system to not overlay the scheduled time when leave is added. This rule works in conjunction with From/To Time sheets. 

When scheduled time does not exist an hour leave time sheet entry is generated using standard hours per day. 

When scheduled time exists (generated based on a shift definition) and from and to times are __not__ provided, an hour leave time sheet entry is generated using shift work time to determine the hours.

When scheduled time exists (generated base on a shift definition) and from and to times are provided, an hour leave time sheet entry is generated using shift work time and from to times to determine the hours.

%%information Note:\\
*Since this time rule is a helper/indicator time rule, the hour leave time sheet entry will have the source marked as generated. 
*This time rule is an indicator during the time generation for From/To time sheet
*This rule has impact when a leave is added through leave line screen or through time exceptions (TTX table).  
*This rule has impact during time generation of the current time sheet, and  does not have any impact on prior period adjustments key in on current  time sheet, since the adjustments are key in through  time sheet entries ([PTSE|P2K_PR_TIME_SHEET_ENTRIES] table)%%

When you look from the time sheet perspective this can appear to be confusing , but when you look from the time scheduling prospective this is how we have to handle this for now.

A short explanation of what happens behind the scene in both types of time sheet and what the limitations are.

#Hours time sheets\\The toggle is respected.\\The process here is this: we generate time (PTSE) base on work calendar, and at this level we have an auto balancing process that takes in consideration this toggle.\\When you enter a [Leave Line (AAL)|P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] a PTSE is created.

#From/To time Sheets\\The toggle is NOT respected.\\The time generation engine is very complex and need to cover different business and its main focus is not PTSE, PTSE is a later result.

Main steps:

*TSH+TTX = TTE  (Time Sheets + Time Exceptions = Time Entries)

*Time Entries (TTE) with time code is moved on PTSE in case that we have an open timesheet.

*If timesheet does not exist we stop at TTE level until a open timesheet is created.

When you enter an Leave Line (AAL), a Time Exception (TTX) is created and is apply against the time generated by Time Sheet (TSH).

From a schedule perspective when you enter a leave Line (AAL) means you are not there, so the time generation engine removes the work time on leave TTX time frame and create vacancies, so even if we create a auto balancing process for this kind of time sheets, it is too late since the time is already generated ahead.

Also, during the time generation TSH + TTX we may not have the time code available.

The time code is attached later ( e.g. default time code time rule )

This time rule is a indicator to change the behavior of time generation engine to process this leave TTX on a different path then the regular one. 

!!Additional Info
**predefined as Never

||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] ||[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]||[Day Of Week |DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE]||[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION]||Target Time Code Set||Apply Time Code Set      

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