!!!Prorate Paid Holiday !!Time Rule Overview This time rule will !!How it Works !!Logic !!Requirements / Features !!Additional Info [Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]: only one band is supported [Frequency|FREQUENCY] predefined as Never !!Implementation The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. ||[Cycle|CYCLE_NUMBER]||[Frequency|FREQUENCY]||[Seq|SEQUENCE]||[Time Rule Type|TIME_RULE_TYPE_TEXT]||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME]||[Value|VALUE]||[Day|DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE_VALUE]||[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]||[Target Time Code Set|TARGET_TIME_CODE_SET]|| [Apply Time Code Set|APPLY_TIME_CODE_SET]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION] | | |120| |# of work days*|Any value**|No|Max days to look forward and back***|No|Required, should be HP time code|No|No|Required, should contain work time codes|Required, should contain leave time codes *Number of work days that if they have leaves will trigger the rule to apply. If no value is provided the number of work days is 1. *Frequency is used as an indicator to create two flavors of this rule: #If there is no value defined in this column, the HP hours are offsetted. \\Example: If the HP is 7 hrs, then rule will generate an offset record that has 7 hrs \\The offset record is created on the next scheduled day, which could be on the next Time Sheet, or on the next Pay Period \\ #If any value is defined in this column, the HP is calculated based on prorated formula \\Example: Scheduled & HP hours are 7 hrs, and a leave is 3 hour on the first scheduled day before HP = \\Work Hrs(11) / Scheduled Hrs(14) * HP hrs(7) = 5.5 hrs \\Since the generated HP is 7, the system will create an offset record for 1.5 hrs \\ \\The offset record is created on the next scheduled day, which could be on the next Time Sheet, or on the next Pay Period The offset record is created on the next scheduled day which could be on the next times sheet even on the next PP * The defined the numbers of days to look forward and back form the holiday date, searching for scheduled work day. If no value is provided the number of work days is 4. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.TR_PRORATE_PAID_HOL] [{InsertPage page='Internal.TR_PRORATE_PAID_HOL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]