!!!MEAL SCHED - Meal Scheduled 
!!Time Rule Overview
This is a time rule helper for the time rule [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY].
!!Requirements / Features
*Time Rule Type Code: MEAL SCHED	
!!Meal Schedule Types:
*[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME] /[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] are defined    
**When the From and To are defined, this is known as "Meal Schedule Meal Time"
**This is used when the [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY] time rule does not have the premium or value  defined
**Creates the ability to apply different premiums depending on the premium time
**The time rule will try to identify the premium to apply based on the premium time
*[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE] is defined               
**When just the value is defined, this is known as "Meal Schedule Numbers of Meal Awarded or Taken"
**This is used when [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY] does not have the premium defined or From /To defined
**Creates the ability to apply different premiums depending on the numbers of meal awarded
**The time rule will try to match the band with the number of meals awarded or taken
**If a match is found, it will apply that premium 
**If the number of meals awarded is greater than the band it will start the cycle from the beginning.
**The band is number of meal awarded or taken
**When the value has been defined and is greater than 0, it is used to override the minimum meal length (defined in hours). If the employee takes a meal and it is less than this value then it will not be considered as a meal taken and it will not reset the "counter" in [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY]. If an override premium is defined, it looks at the meal length defined in [Min Meal Length|TR_MIN_MEAL_LENGTH] and if it does not find any meal time it will reset the "counter".
*[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]is defined  
**When just the premium is defined, this is known as "Meal Schedule Manual Meal Premiums" 
**In this situation the [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY] should have premium defined 
**Creates the ability that any manual premium that is added will  reset the "counter" in [Meal Penalty|TR_MEAL_PENALTY] 
**This is used when From/To and Value have not been defined

%%information Any premium defined in all 3 MEAL SCHEDULE types will reset the "counter".%%

!!Additional Info
*predefined as ‘Never’

The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. See [Time Rule Improvements|TIME_RULE_IMPROVEMENTS] for additional information regarding [IDWR].

!Meal Schedule Meal Time
|0|From time|To time|No|No|No|Required|No|No

!Meal Schedule Numbers of Meal Awarded or Taken
|# of meal awarded or taken|No|No|override minimum meal length in hours|No|No|Required|No|No

!Meal Schedule Manual Meal Premiums
||[Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]||[From|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]||[To|TO_CLOCK_TIME] ||[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]||[Day Of Week |DAY_OF_WEEK]||[Time Code|TIME_CODE]||[Premium |PREMIUM_CODE]||[Action|TIME_RULE_ACTION]||Time Code Set        

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