!!!Hitch !!Time Rule Overview This is a helper time rule that helps identify the start of the week depending when the hitch starts. A client could use OT WORK WEEK and WK START OFF DAY time rules instead of HITCH and OT HITCH WEEK time rules, as they behave in similar manners. !!Requirements / Features *This time rule’s role is to determine the start of the week and hitch start date for the OT HITCH WEEK and OT CONSC NO SCH time rules. This rule should not be used alone. *Time Rule Type Code: HITCH !!Additional Info Frequency *predefined as ‘Never’ *Apply Time Code set required This time code set should include any time codes that can be applied during the hitch, except those that are used for non-scheduled days work. Examples of time codes that should be included: |*Regular|*OT|*Leave |*Leave OT|*Holiday work|*OT consecutive days |*OT weekly|*OT hitch week|*Others to be determined When you define the Time Code set specified in the Apply Time Code Set field, please keep in mind that the time rule may look back for days from the previous pay where all the time rules were already applied How it works: *This time rule looks back the number of days that have past by calling either the OT HITCH WEEK or OT CONSC NO SCH time rules and it tries to find the minimum number of days before Hitch past the same time rule. *If during its search the time rule finds "defined" work days (time codes in the Apply Time Code Set), then the counting of days before the hitch is reset to 0. *If it could not find at least a minimum number of days before Hitch (pass by calling Time Rule) it will not be able to find the start of the week *Frequency - predefined as ‘Never’ !!Implementation The time rule should be set up in [IDWR] as shown below. See [Time Rule Improvements|TIME_RULE_IMPROVEMENTS] for additional information regarding [IDWR]. ||Band||From||To||Value||Day||Time Code||Premium||Action||Target Time Code Set||Apply Time Code Set |0|No|No|No|No|No|No|Add/Replace|No|Required [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.TR_HITCH] [{InsertPage page='Internal.TR_HITCH' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]