!!TRUNC (Date usage) !Functionality: This Oracle function will remove a portion of the date, and return a valid date back to you. Also see the numeric usage of the [TRUNC] function. !Parameters: |Date/Time |The date that you want truncated |Format |(optional) An indication of what you want truncated to !Returns: Date !Errors: None !Operations: All Oracle date format fields are actually a Date/Time stamp with a date portion and a time portion. The ePersonality application does not normally make use of the Time portion of a date variable and so the time is always defaulted as midnight (00:00:00.00) Without a FORMAT parameter, this will return the date as a date at midnight. __It is strongly recommended that you use this function when referencing the [SYSDATE] construct in relation to [EXPIRY] and [EFFECTIVE] dates.__ With a FORMAT parameter, it will selectively remove part of the date information: !Examples: {{TRUNC(~)}} will return the date passed (but with a time stamp of midnight) {{TRUNC(~,’MM’)}} will return the first day of the month {{TRUNC(~,’YYYY’)}} will return the first day of the year