This describes the setup and process for debugging UPCALC with different levels of Trace capabilities.

UPCALC Trace Selection#

UPCALC - Selection Parameters for Tracing#

The following UPCALC selection parameters provide capability for users to Validate Pay Headers information and to Trace UPCALC at various trace levels for debugging:

Validate Demographics

  • This parameter will cause the UPCALC to validate all Pay Headers in this Payrun
  • Warning messages at the beginning of the UPCALC report will show when Employee's demographic information has been changed since the Pay Headers were added

Message Level

  • This parameter allows users to choose which IMMS is to be included in the execution run log to print on the UPCALC report
  • On the IMMS, each message is defined wiht 'Warning Only' and 'Suppress Warning'
  • Valid selections are:
    • 00 - Not Specified - all IMMS messages will be shown
    • 01 - Errors Only - the IMMS 'Warning Only' messages will NOT be shown
    • 02 - Warnings Only - the IMMS 'Warning Only' messages will be checked, then if the IMMS 'Suppress Warning' = Yes, then this message will NOT be shown
    • 03 - Both - all IMMS messages will be shown

Exception Level

  • This parameter will show the debugging for the level selected
  • To avoid volume of trace messages, UPCALC should be run with '0-Exception only' most of the time except when debugging a smaller volume of Payrun

Show IPPP OVD Trace

  • This parameter allows capability to show the Override Trace Level values as defined on the IPPP
  • When this parameter is Yes, the IPPP 'Override Trace Level' of the Pay Point Task will be read to trace all employees in this Payrun when the UPCALC is run with Exception Level=0-Exception

UPCALC - How to trace specific Pay Headers#

If the user wants to debug some specific Pay Headers within a Payrun of an UPCALC run, on IPPH screen ‘Pay Header’ Tab, user can enter the ‘Trace Level’ for these specific Pay Headers.

Then the user must run UPAUDT for the batch to update the Pay Header Stage to 'Audited', then UPCALC can be run.

UPCALC should be run with Exception Level = 0, then these Pay Headers with the specified Pay Header’s Trace level will be run with the trace level specified to show all trace messages for debugging.

UPCALC - How to trace slow Performance in a Payrun#

If user wants to debug the performance of how UPCALC is calling the UPCALC tasks, user can set up a Function Preference for UPCALC to generate a TIMER logging file that provides the Task Name and Duration time of these tasks - set up IMFN Function Preference as below

Users can set up UPCALC to run in Multi-Thread to improve UPCALC performance of a Payrun - set up IMFN Function Preference as below

  • UPCALC - IMFN Preference
    • On IMFN Screen for UPCALC function, the following Function Preferences can be setup:
      • DB PRCSS THREADS - specifies the number of Muliti-Threads to be used for UPCALC
      • PERFORMANCE FLDR - specifies the Directory Name to be used by UPCALC or Trial Calc for the Performance Logging Timer file
  • If this ‘PERFORMANCE FLDR’ specifies a valid the Directory Name, then UPCALC or Trial Calc will generate the Performance Timer file using this Directory Name
  • Trial Calc and UPCALC will generate Timer files with these naming convention:
    • RPCALC_20160720_TIMERS_417232.csv - i.e. RPCALC + Date + ‘TIMERS’ + Mex ID
    • UPCALC_20160720_TIMERS_417228.csv - i.e. UPCALC + Date + ‘TIMERS’ + Mex ID
  • If UPCALC is run in Multi-Thread, the Timer file will display each Thread’s Timer statistics on one file


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