
A Time Keeper can enter the Premium of 'Lead Hand Class 1' and the Premium will go to Payroll as 'LH_CL1'.

Premiums and Expenses are/can be set up the same. There are two separate dialogs that can be used; this allows you to 'categorize' the items.

This may be set up as a Time Code or a Premium

Labeled as 'Premium' in the I want to… dialogs:


Set Up#

Lexicons - IMLN#

The lexicons are supplied but the values within the lexicons are User Defined.

Display Value is what the Employee will see

Saved Value is the exact name of the Time Rule that you will create.

Example set-up for Lexicon:X_TM_PREMIUMS

  • Display Value:Lead Hand
  • Saved Value:LEADHAND

Time Rule Types - ITRT#

Each “user defined” Time Rules lexicon Saved Value must be created as a Time Rule Type in ITRT with a sequence of 90000 and above; this will make it 'user-defined' and allows clients to update and delete the Time Rule Types. Failure to do this will mean the new user-defined time rule will be marked as 'NO LONGER IN USE' during the next software upgrade.

'Premium' created in the X_TM_PREMIUMS lexicon are always Premiums Codes

Example user-defined Premium Time Rule set-up

  • Seq:900090
  • Description:Lead Hand Class 1
  • Premium toggle:On

Work Rule - IDWR#

Each new Time Rule Type needs to be added attached to the Work Rules. This allows the appropriate Time Codes and Premiums to be attached to different Time Rules.

'Premium' created in the X_TM_PREMIUMS lexicon for the Time Rule Type of LEADHAND

Example set-up

  • Time Rule Type:LEADHAND
  • Band:0
  • Premium:LEADHAND

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