Approval of time sheets is done on WxDATS, WxPTS, WxTTC, WxTTS and [IPTS] through the [MPAPTS] dialog.

Process flow for approving time sheets is as follows:
*When a manager approves a time sheet, they should have access to the time sheet until it has been processed by PR
*When a manager indicates a time sheet is not approved, they also need to retain the display of this, assuming it is not pulled into payroll.
*A manager should be able to return the time sheet to the employee for changes, reopening [WEPTS] for the employee with a different status.
*On [WEPTS], you should always be able to see the time sheets that have been submitted, but not processed to payroll.

Once they are processed, the time sheets should be displayed under history.

!Approval Process
The Approval Process ([IDAP]) allows the user to set up approval requirements for different processes within Personality. 

For the Time Management application Approval Processes must be defined with the Approval Type of `Time Sheets'.

[{InsertPage page='Internal.TIME+SHEET+APPROVAL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]