Once a time sheet is past the "Ready for PR" status, no changes may be made to the time sheet.

!!Time Sheet Corrections
Corrections may be handled in one of three ways:
#Inform your Payroll department of the changes needed.  They can manually make the changes and correct any fall out regarding recalculating of the Time Rules in [IPTR] or [IPPH].
#Add the correction to the next time sheet.
#Create a previous period adjustment time sheet, make the necessary changes and then have the system recalculate all of the time rules and then inform PR of the net changes needed.

!!Changes for Specific Time Sheet Statuses
Time Sheet Status:
|00 Not Specified|    |30 Rules Applied|    |80 Sent to PR|    |98 Replaced
|10 Schedule Modified|    |40 Submitted|    |90 Not Approved|    |99 Cancelled
|20 Active|    |50 Ready for PR|    |95 Adjustment|    |

;10 thru 30:These statuses are open and employees may make changes.
;10 thru 40:These statuses are open, however, only time keepers may make changes.
;50 thru 99:These statuses closed and no one may make changes.

[IPMTS] is a maintenance screen that maybe used to cancel an 'Open' time sheet or create a previous period adjustment time sheet.

You would find the Time Sheet that you wish to adjust and that has been marked as 'Sent to PR' and as long as there is no other time sheet for the same period with the status of 10 -Schedule Modified, 20- Active, 30 - Rules Applied or 95 - Adjustment, an adjustment time sheet can be created.

Once the Adjustment Time Sheet has been created adjustments may be made in any of the Time Sheet (XXPTS) or Time Card (XXTTS) screens.

For Example,

Time Sheet #7739 has been sent to PR and it is noticed that the time sheet did not include the OT.
#Find TS # 7739 in [IPMTS] and click the 'Create Previous Period Adjustment TS' button; this created a copy of the original Time Sheet and will display totals for both the current adjustment time sheet and the replaced original time sheet.
# Go to any of the Time Sheet screens and make the necessary corrections.
# Use [IPMTS] to look at the end results in order to inform PR of the net changes needed to the current time.
# Use the ‘Adjustments Manually applied to PR’ button to mark the adjustment time sheet as ‘Adjustment Applied’.

New Time Sheet has been created with the status of Adjusted.

In [IPTS] the time was adjusted using the time sheets entries tab. The results of the time adjustment and the rules applied have been moved from Regular Time to Overtime.

Overtime information is now shown correctly for this employee for this pay period. This information would need to be relayed to Payroll in order for the employee to be paid correctly. The time sheet has now been corrected so the time sheet history will now reflect the correct information.

"[Adjustments Manually Applied to PR|ACT_ADJUSTMENT_APPLIED]" was selected and a confirmation of this adjustment is requested before completing the time sheet adjustment process.

The result is the new time sheet "10599" is now correct for this payroll period showing the correct amount of overtime for this employee.

[{InsertPage page='Internal.TIME+SHEET+ADJUSTMENTS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]