User Interface Terminology#


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Batch Process
A function that runs without user interaction once the run parameters are specified and the process is launched.
A marker that identifies a particular function that is frequently used.


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An interactive screen that manages information. A form may have multiple blocks.
A form, report or update process that performs specific tasks in the application. All functions that the user can execute are defined on the application menus.


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Interactive Process
A function that requires continued interaction with the user.


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A field that can have one of several values that are defined on the Lexicon table. These values are shown as a drop down pick list.
LOV (List of Values)
A list of values derived dynamically from other information stored in the system.


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Parameter Set
A set of report criteria that can be saved and reused.


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A batch process that runs on a report server and produces visible output that can be viewed, saved to a a file or printed.
A set of access privileges that can be given to users.


A specific client who has installed the application.
Special Characters
Special characters are characters outside of alphanumeric characters. Special characters include !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ?, /, \, etc. Dashes (-) and underscores (_) are not usually included in this list.


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A person who has been assigned access rights to the application.


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A standard Windows component that acts as a container for information and processes. Windows may be moved by dragging the window title. They may be expanded/reduced in size by dragging the bottom right corner. They may be minimized, maximized or closed by using the icons in the top right corner.


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