[{TableOfContents }]
!!!Terminology UC
||[A|1] [B|2] [C|3] [D|4] [E|5] [F|6] [G|7] [H|8] [I|9] [J|10] [K|11] [L|12] [M|13] [N|14] [O|15] [P|16] [Q|17] [R|18] [S|19] [T|20] [U|21] [V|22] [W|23] [X|24] [Y|25] [Z|26]
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;Alphanumeric OT:	Used to represent constants referred to as Alpha, Char, Character, or String
;Boolean OT:	Used when only the value True or False may be entered in the Operand.
;Calculation:	The main routine or procedure usercalc. Calculations may make use of Qualifiers and/or Functions, and are able to modify values of pay components.   Calculations are used exclusively by the Payroll application.  
;CMD:	Command
;Commands:	Used to perform operations within a UserCalc.
;Comparison Operators:	Allows the UserCalc to compare two values
;Database Fields:	Allow the user to access a large amount of information about the employee from within a UserCalc.
;Date OT:	A string that should be interpreted as a date by the program.
;Disbursement Messages:	The lines of information that will print on the employee’s payroll stub/deposit stub.  
;Elements:	A group of pay components that, for convenience in calculations, are added together and named, and may be referenced by Calculations, and in some instances, Functions and Qualifiers.  
;Function:	May return a Boolean, Char(acter), Date, or Number value.    Functions may be part of a Calculation UserCalc as a CALL, or may be a stand alone UserCalc for the Attendance or Benefits modules.
;Global Values:	Used to hold information between UserCalcs for one employee. 
;Global Variables:	Variables that hold their value beyond the existing UserCalc.  
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;Lexicon:	Provide a controlled set of values, which a particular field may contain.
;Lists:	Used in order to simplify the number of UserCalc lines it would take to eliminate employees from the selection.
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;Number OT:	Any numeric amount.   
;Operand Types:	Used to declare what value the Operand will have, and how to process it within the UserCalc.
;Operator:	Defines the action that is to be applied to the Operands indicated.
;OT:	Operand Type
;Parameters:	These are number amounts, character strings, Boolean values, or date values that are passed automatically to Functions and Qualifications UserCalcs.  
;Processing Frequencies:	Define the timely manner under which a payroll item (deduction, benefit, etc) is processed.   
;Qualifier:	Returns a Boolean value of either True or False.  It is used to either eliminate or include employees in a calculation.  Qualifiers may be part of a Calculation UserCalc as a CALL.  
;Relative Date Operators:	Allows the UserCalc to return the value of a date relative to another date.  
;Round Nearest:	Defines the level of rounding within a UserCalc.
;Statistics:	Used to hold information for each employee that is not easily accessed with Pay Components. 
;System Constants:	Provided to allow the user access to typically required dates
;System Variables:	The amounts calculated by the FLSA process ONLY.
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;User Variables:	A type of variable whose value is defined by the user.  
;UserCalc:	A set of user-defined instructions that tells the execution program (UPCALC, UFCALC, etc.) to perform an action or operation.  
;Variables:	Used as temporary working storage to hold values required by the UserCalc.  
;Wage Basis:	A Wage Basis type is used with the WAGE operator
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!!Command Glossary
||[A|1] [B|2] [C|3] [D|4] [E|5] [F|6] [G|7] [H|8] [I|9] [J|10] [K|11] [L|12] [M|13] [N|14] [O|15] [P|16] [Q|17] [R|18] [S|19] [T|20] [U|21] [V|22] [W|23] [X|24] [Y|25] [Z|26]
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