Terminology UC#



Alphanumeric OT
Used to represent constants referred to as Alpha, Char, Character, or String


Boolean OT
Used when only the value True or False may be entered in the Operand.


The main routine or procedure usercalc. Calculations may make use of Qualifiers and/or Functions, and are able to modify values of pay components. Calculations are used exclusively by the Payroll application.
Used to perform operations within a UserCalc.
Comparison Operators
Allows the UserCalc to compare two values


Database Fields
Allow the user to access a large amount of information about the employee from within a UserCalc.
Date OT
A string that should be interpreted as a date by the program.
Disbursement Messages
The lines of information that will print on the employee’s payroll stub/deposit stub.


A group of pay components that, for convenience in calculations, are added together and named, and may be referenced by Calculations, and in some instances, Functions and Qualifiers.


May return a Boolean, Char(acter), Date, or Number value. Functions may be part of a Calculation UserCalc as a CALL, or may be a stand alone UserCalc for the Attendance or Benefits modules.


Global Values
Used to hold information between UserCalcs for one employee.
Global Variables
Variables that hold their value beyond the existing UserCalc.


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Provide a controlled set of values, which a particular field may contain.
Used in order to simplify the number of UserCalc lines it would take to eliminate employees from the selection.


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Number OT
Any numeric amount.


Operand Types
Used to declare what value the Operand will have, and how to process it within the UserCalc.
Defines the action that is to be applied to the Operands indicated.
Operand Type


These are number amounts, character strings, Boolean values, or date values that are passed automatically to Functions and Qualifications UserCalcs.
Processing Frequencies
Define the timely manner under which a payroll item (deduction, benefit, etc) is processed.


Returns a Boolean value of either True or False. It is used to either eliminate or include employees in a calculation. Qualifiers may be part of a Calculation UserCalc as a CALL.


Relative Date Operators
Allows the UserCalc to return the value of a date relative to another date.
Round Nearest
Defines the level of rounding within a UserCalc.


Used to hold information for each employee that is not easily accessed with Pay Components.
System Constants
Provided to allow the user access to typically required dates
System Variables
The amounts calculated by the FLSA process ONLY.


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User Variables
A type of variable whose value is defined by the user.
A set of user-defined instructions that tells the execution program (UPCALC, UFCALC, etc.) to perform an action or operation.


Used as temporary working storage to hold values required by the UserCalc.


Wage Basis
A Wage Basis type is used with the WAGE operator


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Command Glossary#

ACT Initiate Workflow Action
ANN Anniversary Check
BOM Beginning Of Month Check
CALL Will Execute Another UserCalc
EOM End Of Month Check
EXIT Exit The UserCalc
FREQ Frequency Check
IFIf Comparison
LET Let One Value Be Another
MAIL Send An Email
MSG Will Issue A Message In The UPCALC Report.
PPE Pay Period Date Check
RET Return A Value To Another UserCalc
STOP Raise Expectation To User
XPPT Exit The Pay Point

Operator Glossary#

Code With Command Operator Function
ADD LET Add Oper1 and Oper2
BD LET Beginning of Day
BD PPE Beginning of Day
BD PPE Beginning of Day
BM LET Beginning of Month
BM PPE Beginning of Month
BM PPE Beginning of Week
BW LET Beginning of Week
BW PPE Beginning of Month
BY LET Beginning of Year
BY PPE Beginning of Week
CHAR LET Convert to Char
DATE LET Convert to Date
DAY LET Day from DATE In Oper2
DBT LET Days Between Oper2 and Oper3
DIV LET Divide Oper2 by Oper3
ED LET End of Day
ED PPE Beginning of Year
ELPL LET Transaction to Date Element
EM LET Ending of Month
EM PPE End of Day
EQ IF Equals
EQ LET Assign Value
EW LET Ending of Week
EW PPE End of Month
EY LET Ending of Year
EY PPE End of Year
GE IF Greater Than or Equal To
GT IF Greater Than
IN IF In Between
IN IF In (List)
LE IF Less Than or Equal To
LOG LOG Log Workflow Action
LT IF Less Than
MAX LET Maximum of Oper2 and Oper3
MBT LET Months Between Oper2 and Oper 3
MIN LET Minimum of Oper2 and Oper3
MLT LET Multiply Oper2 and Oper3
MOD LET Modules, Returns Remainder
MTH LET Month from Date in Oper2
NB IF Not Between
NE IF Not Equal
NG IF Not Greater Than
NL IF Not Less Than
NN IF Not In (List)
NUM LET Convert to Number
PCLP LET Transaction to Date PC
PRC LET Percent
RDD LET Round Down
RDN LET Round Nearest
RDU LET Round Up
SUB LET Subtract Oper3 from Oper2
TRNC LET Truncate Oper2
WAGE LET Get EE’s Wage in Basis Oper3
WAGE LET Get EE’s Wage in Basis Oper2
YBT LET Years Between Oper2 and Oper3
YBT LET Yrs Between Oper2 and Oper3
YRS LET Converts Date to Years
YRS LET Converts Date to Years

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