!Training and Development Terminology
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;Assessment Event:A specific occurrence of an assessment for an individual.
;Assessment: A formal vehicle to measure and evaluate competencies. An assessment will determine how best to deploy human resources in the work environment.
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;Candidate:An individual who is seeking job opportunities or is participating in training and/or development activities. 
;Career Ladder:A chain of job profiles that identifies where each leads to or originates from. 
;Career Objective:A stated goal of an individual.
;Competence Category:A detailed breakdown of competencies.
;Competence Group:A high level breakdown of competencies.
;Competence Level:A level of proficiency for a specific cor competence.
;Core Competence:A specific, identifiable, definable and measurable knowledge, skill, ability or other characteristic necessary for the effective performance of defined duties and responsibilities.
;Development Activity:A planned, current or prior event that helps an  individual improve their qualifications and competencies.
;Development Program:A planned series of activities intended to improve the qualifications and competencies of human resources. 
;Duties and Responsibilities:Functions, tasks and/or account abilities that people perform to accomplish specific business objectives.
;Employer:An organization that employs people and that conducts training and development activities.
;Fee Schedule:A set of fees applicable to courses and/or classes.
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;Human Resource:A person who presently works, may work, or has done work for an organization.
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;Job Profile:A description of a job that outlines its purpose, functions, duties, responsibilities, requirements and training needs. 
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;Posting:An approved request to hire people into a specified position or job within an organization.
;Proficiency:A measurement of the level of skill an individual has or needs to fill a job.
;Qualification:A specific skill, license, certificate, membership that a person has.
''No Terminology''\\
;Succession Plan:A formal plan to focus on grooming or finding individuals to fill key positions in the organization.
;Training Map:A map giving direction on developing a specific competence through links between courses/development programs and specific competence levels.
;Training Resource:A facility, material or activity that must be acquired or prepared for courses or training classes.
;Training Supplier:An individual or organization that provides training courses or assessment tests.
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