Safety and Health Terminology#


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An individual who is involved in a medical exam/test or who submits safety related suggestions.
An individual or outside organization OR individual named by an employee who may need to be contacted with regards to health and safety.


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An individual who works for an organization.
An organization that employs people and establishes safety and programs (aka Entity, Company, Organization).'


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An ingredient or substance found in the work place that could be hazardous to a person’s health.
Health Claim
An expense the employee submits to be reimbursed by the insurer.
Health Cost
A cost associated with an incident, health issue, medical exam or medical test.
Health Issue
An injury or illness that may or may not be related to a safety and health incident.
Health Record
A date specific record of the health for an individual or candidate.


Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than an injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. It includes acute and chronic illnesses or diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, injection or direct contact.
An environmental safety and health related event or situation that did or could have resulted in property damage and/or personal illness or injury. (aka accident)
Incident Witness
A person who witnesses an incident.
Any injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc. which results from a work accident or from an exposure involving a single incident in the work environment. Conditions resulting from animal bites such as insect or snakebites or from one-time exposure to chemicals are considered to be injuries.
A medical injection given to an individual during a medical exam or test.


A type of task, occupation or work that is important to the operations of the company.


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A physical location where business is conducted and work is done. Each location may have its own safety and health policies and procedures consistent with the organization’s policies. (aka work site, establishment, place)


Medical Exam
An examination to assess an individual’s health.
Medical Exam Type
A medical exam classification.
Medical Test
A test arranged or conducted during a medical exam. For example, a hearing or pulmonary test.
Medication prescribed to an individual during a medical exam or test.


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Required Medical Test
A medical test that is customarily performed during a particular type of medical exam.


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Third Party Administrator
An individual or organization that administers Workers Compensation claims.
Time Lost Detail
A historical record of each occurrence of time lost/work restriction due to a work related injury or illness.


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WC Insurance Company
An insurance company or Workers Compensation board in a state or province that accepts safety and health claims.
Work Environment
A physical location, equipment, materials processed or used on the kinds of operations performed in the course of an employee’s work, whether on or off the employer’s premises.
Work Restriction
A work restriction occurs when an employee must be assigned to another job on a temporary basis, or work at their permanent job less than half time, or works at their permanent job but cannot perform all duties normally associated with it.


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