Labor Relations Terminology#


Assessment Event
An assessment event is a specific occurrence of an assessment for an individual. aka Survey Event
An assessment is a formal vehicle to measure and evaluate characteristics that are used in determining how best to deploy human resources in the work environment. aka Test, Survey, Interview, Reference Check, Employer Check


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A complaint is an informal, less serious dispute between an individual and an employer that may eventually, but not necessarily, lead to a grievance. aka Dispute


Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary actions are reviews of employee conduct formally documented by employers. A disciplinary action may lead to a notice, suspension or termination.
Disciplinary Review
A series of follow-up reviews are quite often necessary when disciplinary actions are taken.
Disciplinary Rule
Disciplinary rules describe how disciplinary actions are to be managed and the steps involved.
Disciplinary Step
Disciplinary steps identify the stages a disciplinary action goes through until resolution occurs.


An organization that employs people and that conducts training and development activities. aka Entity


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A grievance is a formal dispute between a union, set of employees or an individual and a company that is based on clauses in a labor agreement.
Grievance Activity
Grievances proceed through a series of steps until a settlement is reached or arbitration occurs.
Grievance Participant
A grievance participant is an individual or a business area that is named in a grievance.
Grievance Rule
Grievance rules describe how grievances are to be managed and the steps involved.
Grievance Step
Grievance steps identify the stages a grievance goes through until a settlement is reached or arbitration occurs.


Human Resource
A human resource is an individual, who works for, has worked or may work in the future for an organization. aka Employee


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