A fiscal forecast for an organization or part of an organization over a specified time frame.
Budget Area
A sub-division of an organization that participates in the budget process; this could be the entire entity, units, groups, departments, auth areas, or org levels.
Budget Area Owner
A person responsible for a portion of the total budget; a budget area owner prepares budget scenarios within a budget area using certain assumptions.
Budget Owner
The person responsible for the total budget; the budget owner prepares the budget plans, provides global budget assumptions and reviews various budget scenarios.
Budget Participant
A person responsible for assisting in the preparation of a budget.
Budget Plan
A choice of scenarios, one from each budget area, that makes up the total budget.
Budget Seat
An assignment, position or part of a position that incurs costs.
A financial or statistical amount that is derived from a set of pay components or distribution
Coast Area
An area of the organization that incurs costs, this may be units, groups, departments, auth areas, org levels, positions, jobs, locations, distribution segments, or budget seats.
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