!Forecasting and Costing Terminology
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;Assumption:A statement of change to a set budget seats for a period of time.\\
;Budget:A fiscal forecast for an organization or part of an organization over a specified time frame.
;Budget Area:A sub-division of an organization that participates in the budget process; this could be the entire entity, units, groups, departments, auth areas, or org levels.
;Budget Area Owner:A person responsible for a portion of the total budget; a budget area owner prepares budget scenarios within a budget area using certain assumptions.
;Budget Owner:The person responsible for the total budget; the budget owner prepares the budget plans, provides global budget assumptions and reviews various budget scenarios.
;Budget Participant:A person responsible for assisting in the preparation of a budget.
;Budget Plan:A choice of scenarios, one from each budget area, that makes up the total budget.
;Budget Seat:An assignment, position or part of a position that incurs costs.\\
;Cost Account:A financial or statistical amount that is derived from a set of pay components or distribution
;Coast Area:An area of the organization that incurs costs, this may be units, groups, departments, auth areas, org levels, positions, jobs, locations, distribution segments, or budget seats.\\
;Department Manager:A person responsible for managing people and who is accountable for the labor costs in a business unit.\\
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;Financial Analyst:A person who reviews the outcome of a budget projection from various viewpoints.
;Forecast:A look into the future to predict an organization’s pay components.
;Forecaster:A person responsible for running the process that forecasts amounts.\\
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;Scenario:One iteration of the budget process within a budget area using a set of assumptions.\\
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;Viewpoint:A way of looking at derived financial information.\\
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''No Terminology''\\

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