!Forecasting and Costing Terminology \\ %%center %%small GO TO ||[A|1] [B|2] [C|3] [D|4] [E|5] [F|6] [G|7] [H|8] [I|9] [J|10] [K|11] [L|12] [M|13] [N|14] [O|15] [P|16] [Q|17] [R|18] [S|19] [T|20] [U|21] [V|22] [W|23] [X|24] [Y|25] [Z|26] %% %% !![A|#1] ---- ;Assumption:A statement of change to a set budget seats for a period of time.\\ !![B|#2] ---- ;Budget:A fiscal forecast for an organization or part of an organization over a specified time frame. ;Budget Area:A sub-division of an organization that participates in the budget process; this could be the entire entity, units, groups, departments, auth areas, or org levels. ;Budget Area Owner:A person responsible for a portion of the total budget; a budget area owner prepares budget scenarios within a budget area using certain assumptions. ;Budget Owner:The person responsible for the total budget; the budget owner prepares the budget plans, provides global budget assumptions and reviews various budget scenarios. ;Budget Participant:A person responsible for assisting in the preparation of a budget. ;Budget Plan:A choice of scenarios, one from each budget area, that makes up the total budget. ;Budget Seat:An assignment, position or part of a position that incurs costs.\\ !![C|#3] ---- ;Cost Account:A financial or statistical amount that is derived from a set of pay components or distribution masks. ;Coast Area:An area of the organization that incurs costs, this may be units, groups, departments, auth areas, org levels, positions, jobs, locations, distribution segments, or budget seats.\\ !![D|#4] ---- ;Department Manager:A person responsible for managing people and who is accountable for the labor costs in a business unit.\\ !![E|#5] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![F|#6] ---- ;Financial Analyst:A person who reviews the outcome of a budget projection from various viewpoints. ;Forecast:A look into the future to predict an organization’s pay components. ;Forecaster:A person responsible for running the process that forecasts amounts.\\ !![G|#6] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![H|#7] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![I|#9] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![J|#10] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![K|#11] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![L|#12] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![M|#13] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![N|#14] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![O|#15] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![P|#16] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![Q|#17] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![R|#18] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![S|#19] ---- ;Scenario:One iteration of the budget process within a budget area using a set of assumptions.\\ !![T|#20] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![U|#21] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![V|#22] ---- ;Viewpoint:A way of looking at derived financial information.\\ !![W|#23] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![X|#24] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![Y|#25] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ !![Z|#26] ---- ''No Terminology''\\ ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.TERMINOLOGY-FC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.TERMINOLOGY-FC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]