!Conversion Terminology
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''No Terminology''

''No Terminology''

;Char:	A character column contains a sequence of letters, numbers, punctuation and special characters.  In most cases, the character column is of a variable length up to the size indicated.  These variable length fields are identified as VarChar2

;Date:	Date columns must contain a valid date and (optionally) a time of day.  The feeder program generally indicates the format of the date.  The software default incorporates a two digit day, a three letter month abbreviation and a four digit year, separated by hyphens (14-Dec-1987)

''No Terminology''

;Feeder program:A feeder program is a program that is used to import your data from an external legacy or feeder system into the software application.  The type of feeder program used depends upon the environment from which you are importing data and the MIS resources you have available.  SQL*Loader is a feeder program that is delivered with your Oracle Server software and will meet many of the needs of your imports.

''No Terminology''
''No Terminology''
;Interface Tables:Data is not interfaced directly into the software data structures, but is loaded into interface tables.  There is then a process that will take the data from these interface tables and move it into the related software data structures.

''No Terminology''
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''No Terminology''\\
;Number:A number column contains a number consisting of digits, a sign and a decimal point.  Number fields are shown as having two attributes: a length (including the decimal point and sign) and a maximum number of decimals.  For example a field that is shown as Number (18,6) can have a total of 18 characters in the field, of which up to six may be after the decimal point.  If a number field has only one attribute, then there are no decimal points allowed.
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''No Terminology''\\
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''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\

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