||Table Name||Alias||Description
|[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]|EAS|Provides overview of various Assignments.
|[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]|EASD|Provides all of the details for the Assignment ent
|[P2K_HR_CONTACTS]|ECT|Stores all the important information regarding any
|[P2K_HR_CONTACT_ROLES]|ECR|Describes the type of relationship that a contact 
|[P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]|EEM|Descrtibes all identities relationships with the c
|[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]|EID|Provides all non-date sensitive information regard
|[P2K_HR_MILITARIES]|EMT|Provides a military history for any given identity
|[P2K_HR_PEOPLE_LISTS]|EPL|Provides the names of the various list that hold p
|[P2K_HR_PEOPLE_LIST_DETAILS]|EPLD|Provides the individual names that are on any give
|[P2K_HR_PERSONALS]|EPS|Holds all date sensitive information on any given 
|[P2K_HR_PROPERTIES]|EPP|Holds all of the property details for any given id