||Table Name||Alias||Description
|[INF_CV_POSITIONS]| |Used to import position codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_POSTINGS]| |Used to import posting data into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_PREMIUMS]| |Used to import premium data into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_PROGRAMSTEPS]| |Used to import training program step information into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_PROPERTIES]| |Used to import property information into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_QUALIFICATIONS]| |Used to import employee and candidate qualification information into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_RANGES]| |Used to import salary ranges and range rules into the software data structures
|[INF_CV_RECIPIENTS]| |Used to import information about the recipients and beneficiaries of employee benefit plans into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_REFERENCES]| |Used to import employee and candidate references information into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_RESUMES]| |Used to import employee and candidate resumes into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_REVIEWS]| |Used to import employee review information into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_SCALES]| |Used to import salary scales and steps into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_STATISTICS]| |Used to import statistic components and amounts for employees into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_SUNDRYLINES]| |Used to import miscellaneous and sundry transactions into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_TEAMPOSTS]| |Used to import the team post data into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_TODATES]| | Used to import employee’s to-date (YTD, MTD, QTD) amounts into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_TRAININGNEEDS]| |Used to import employee training needs into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_TRAININGSUPPLIERS]| |used to import the training suppliers data into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_UNITS]| |Used to import unit codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_USPAYRULES]| |Used to import the rules for employee taxation into the software data structures.
|[INF_CV_WORKAREAS]| |Used to import work areas into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_WORKHISTORIES]| |Used to import candidate work history information into the software data structures. 
|[INF_CV_WORKRULES]| |Used to import work rule codes and their attendant data into the software data structures. 