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[{InsertPage page='Symmetry General State Tax Calculation Set Up' section=1}]

!!Washington State Tax Calculation
|53-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000|Washington State Unemployment Tax
|53-000-0000-ER_SUTA_SC-052|Washington Rate Class 1 Thru 40 Employment Admin Fund
|53-000-0000-SDI-000|Washington Industrial Insurance
|53-000-0000-ER_SDI-000|Washington Industrial Insurance - Employer

There is no State Tax for Washington, therefore, [IPRLU] Miscellaneous Tax Parameters are not required to be set up.//  //[IPRLU State|IPRLU#MiscellaneousTab] tab ‘SDI EE Method’ and ‘SDI ER Method’ must be set up for Washington Industrial Insurance.
\\   \\
!WA – IPPC / PC Usages
On [IPPC], set up pay components for these PC Usages:

|6058|Pre-FWT Hours - Total Hours worked, this is used for SDI calculation
|6721|SDI tax deduction
|6723|SDI employer contribution
|7610|WA-Class 1-40 Admin Fund
|7611|WA-Reserved Tax
!WA – ER SUTA Rate
ER SUTA may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:
#*Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
#*This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of Washington.
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the [IPUTR] rate.	
!WA – SDI Rate
Washington Industrial Insurance tax is calculated as an hourly rate multiplied by the hours worked.  These are treated as SDI tax and are to be contributed by both the employee and employer.  [IPPC] must be set up for PC Usage 6058 Pre-FWT Hours in order to supply the Total Hours Worked.  Both EE and ER Rate must be supplied on either the [IPUTR] or [IDGV] screen.  This calculation may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SDI EE Method’ or ‘SDI ER Method’.
\\  \\
There are two options to set up SDI Rate by State:
#*Enter the SDI EE and ER rate that is given by the Government on the Override Tax Rate field
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for different State Registration #, then enter this on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’.  This overrides the [IPUTR] Rate
!WA – Special Taxes
IPUTR - Employer SUTA Surcharge Tax

By default, the following tax will be calculated unless the [IPUTR] ‘Do Not Calculate’ toggle is checked or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’
*STE-2011-R12 supports Washington Rate Class 1 Thru 40 Employment Admin Fund
**The wages that are used to calculate this tax are the same wages that are used for ER SUTA
**Override Tax Rate must be supplied
!WA – Trial Calc Example
[Symmetry Set Up - WA_01.jpg]\\  \\
|PC 8046  Res SIT Earn|=1536.22 - SIT Earn is updated for Information purpose
|PC 6042  Res SIT|= No State Tax
|PC 8056  Res SSP Earn|=871.10 - SSP Earn is updated for Information purpose
|PC 6052  Res Supp Tax|= No SSP Tax
|                     | 
|PC 6703 SUI ER Contr|= 2636.83 x IPUTR 53-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000 Override Tax Rate 0.0602
|                     |= 158.74
|                     |
|PC 5510  WA-Class 1-40 Admin Fund|= 2636.83 x IPUTR 53-000-0000-ER_SUTA_SC-052 Tax Rate 0.03
|                     |= 79.10
|                     |
|PC 6721  SDI EE|= Usage 6058 Pre-FWT Hours x IPUTR 53-000-0000-SDI-000 Override Tax Rate
|                     |= 80 x 0.05 = 4.00
|                     |
|PC 6723  SDI ER|= Usage 6058 Pre-FWT Hours x IPUTR 53-000-0000-ER_SDI-000 Override Tax Rate
|                     |= 80 x 0.06 = 4.80
![Notes|Edit:Internal.Symmetry Set Up - WV]
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!!West Virginia State Tax Calculation
On [IPUTR], there is a list of applicable Taxes to be calculated for State of West Virginia.
|54-000-0000-SIT-000|West Virginia State Tax
|54-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000|West Virginia State Unemployment Tax

If [UPUTR] is run with a list of [IDTX] jurisdictions, the following entries may exist. The tax rate can be used as a reference for the Head tax calculation.
|54-000-1558347-CITY-000|Charleston City Tax
|54-000-1555932-CITY-000|Weirton City Tax
|54-000-1540605-CITY-000|Huntington City Tax
\\   \\


!WV – IPRLU and Head Tax Set Up
The Miscellaneous Tax Parameters must be set up for the following Miscellaneous Identifiers
|TOTALALLOWANCES|Optional\\Enter the total number of allowances.
|TWOEARNERPERCENT|Optional\\Enter 'True' or 'False' to indicate if the Two-earner Percent is used

The [IPRLU Local|IPRLU#LocalTab] tab must be set up as follows:

The West Virginia Head tax can be treated as ‘City Tax’ or ‘Head Tax’.  The results are stored in Head Tax pay components.  The ‘Head Tax’ calculation may be suppressed from either ‘City Tax Method’ or ‘Head Tax Method’.
If [IPRLU] City Tax Method and Head Tax Method are not set up, the default Head Tax will be calculated.

|City Tax Method|Lexicon [X_ULOC_CITY_TAX_METHOD]
|Null, or All methods (except 99)|This will calculate City Head Tax for West Virginia\\  \\West Virginia City Tax means the Head Tax will be calculated
|99 - Do Not Calculate|- Employee may suppress the City Tax calculation\\  \\This means the Head Tax will not be calculated 
|         |
|Head Tax Method|Lexicon [X_ULOC_HEAD_TAX_METHOD]
|Null, or All methods (Except 99)|This will calculate City Head Tax for West Virginia
|99 - Do Not Calculate|Employee may suppress the Head Tax calculation

The West Virginia City Service Fee is a head tax which is levied upon employees at a flat rate per week.  The weekly rate is prorated over the pay period. For example, Charleston has a $2.00 tax per week.  For a bi-weekly pay period, the tax would be computed as $4.00.
\\  \\[IPPC], set up Pay Components for these PC Usages to store the Head Tax.

|6904|City Work Deduction - EE Head Tax
|6905|City Work Earnings - Reg Tax
|6906|City Work Earnings - Supplemental Tax
|6910|City Work Contribution- Employer Head Tax
|6924|City Res. Deduction - EE Head Tax
|6925|City Res. Earnings - Reg Tax
|6926|City Res. Earnings - Supplemental Tax
|6930|City Res Contribution - Employer Head Tax
ER SUTA may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:
#*Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
#*This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of West Virginia.
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the [IPUTR] rate.	


51.3	WV – UPCALC Example

In Period 201105, employee lives in Huntington with Jurisdiction 54-011-1540605 (County: Cabel),
and works in Huntington with different Jurisdiction 54-099-1540605 (County: Huntington).
In same Period, employee moves to where he works, and works another 20 hours.


Pay# 3: 	Work GNIS:  		WV 54-099-1540605 	Huntington, Huntington
	HOME GEO:  		WV 54-011-1540605 	Cabel, Huntington
	PC 8046  Res SIT Earn		= 2866.53
	PC 8056  Res SSP Earn		= 917.47
PC 6045  Res SIT		= 143.00
PC 6047  Res SIT Sup		= 917.47 x 6.5 % = 59.63 Round to 60.00
					West Virginia rates vary from 3% to 6.5% based upon the year-to-date gross pay
	PC 6703 SUI ER Contr		= 4124.39 x IPUTR 54-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000 Overridden Rate 0.085000
					= 350.57
	PC 6924 RCITY EE Head Tax	 = IPUTR 54-000-1540605-CITY-000 Rate 3.00 / week x 2 weeks (BW) = 6.00

Pay# 4: 	Work / HOME GEO:  	WV 54-099-1540605 	Huntington, Huntington
	PC 6924 RCITY EE Head Tax	 = 0  (City 1540605 Huntington Head Tax has been taken for the same period)

51.4	WV – UPCALC Vertex Example

Vertex Calculation has the following differences for West Virginia:

- West Virginia City Service Fee is treated as Head Tax in PC 6904 WCITY EE Head Tax
	- PC 6040 Work SIT includes both the Work SIT and Work SSP, the tax calculation is different than Symmetry