[{TableOfContents }]
[{InsertPage page='Symmetry General State Tax Calculation Set Up' section=1}]
!!Utah State Tax Calculation
On [IPUTR], there is a list of applicable taxes to be calculated for State of Utah:
|49-000-0000-SIT-000|Utah State Tax
|49-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000|Utah State Unemployment Tax
!UT – IPRLU Set Up
The Miscellaneous Tax Parameters must be set up for the following Miscellaneous Identifiers\\  \\  
If these Identifiers do not exist, [UPCALC] will generate the default entries for the identifiers
||Miscellaneous Identifiers||Description
|FILINGSTATUS|Mandatory\\'S'-single, 'M'-married, or 'MH'-married but w/h at higher single rate
|TOTALALLOWANCES|Optional\\Enter the total number of allowances
\\   \\
!UT – ER SUTA Rate
ER SUTA may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:
#*Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
#*This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of Utah.
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the [IPUTR] rate.	
!UT – UPCALC Example
[Symmetry Set Up - ND_01.jpg]\\   \\
Res GEO: 49-049-1438194  American Fork, Utah
Work GEO: 49-049-1438194  American Fork, Utah\\   \\
[IPRLU Miscellaneous Tab|IPRLU#MiscellaneousTab]\\ 
|PC 8046  Res SIT Earn|= 1774.61
|PC 6042  Res SIT|= 88.73
|PC 8056  Res SSP Earn|= 900.56
|PC 6052  Res Supp Tax|= 900.56 x 5% = 45.03
|                     |
|PC 6703 SUI ER Contr|= 2813.58 x IPUTR 49-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000 Override Tax Rate 0.094000
|	             |= 264.48
![Notes|Edit:Internal.Symmetry Set Up - UT]
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!!Vermont State Tax Calculation
On [IPUTR], there is a list of applicable taxes to be calculated for State of Vermont:
|50-000-0000-SIT-000|Vermont State Tax
|50-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000|Vermont State Unemployment Tax
|50-000-0000-ER_EHT-000|Vermont Catamount Healthcare Assessment Tax - Employer
!VT – IPRLU Set Up
The Miscellaneous Tax Parameters must be set up for the following Miscellaneous Identifiers\\  \\  
If these Identifiers do not exist, [UPCALC] will generate the default entries for the identifiers
||Miscellaneous Identifiers||Description
|FILINGSTATUS|Mandatory\\'S'-single, 'M'-married, 'MH'-married but w/h at higher single rate, 'CU'-civil union, or 'CUH'-civil union w/h at higher single.
|TOTALALLOWANCES|Optional\\Enter the total number of allowances
|NONRESPERCENTAGE|Optional\\Enter the nonresident percentage for Non-resident only
\\   \\
!VT – ER SUTA Rate
ER SUTA may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:
#*Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
#*This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of Vermont.
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the [IPUTR] rate.	
!VT – Employer Health Care Contribution Fund
In order to calculate the following tax, please set up IPPC for these PC Usages:
|7600|VT-Catamount Healthcare Employer Tax
[IPUTR] – Vermont Catamount Healthcare Assessment Tax Employer\\
From web site http://hcr.vermont.gov/financing/employer Vermont’s Health Care Reform:


- exempting four FTEs in and after 2010’ means if the Employer is paying ‘4 FTE employees or less’ in a quarter, this tax will not be calculated, since all users are paying more than 4 employees, this rule does not apply
- User may bypass this tax on IPUTR with ‘Do not Calculate’ or IPRLU ‘Head Tax Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.
- if an employee does not qualify as one FTE for this tax, enter IPRLU ‘ Head Tax Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’, otherwise the default will be used, this Healthcare Assessment Tax will be calculated


48.4	VT – UPCALC Example


Work GEO:  50-027-1456238 	Baltimore, Vermont

Pay# 5	PC 8046  Res SIT Earn		= 2298.59
	PC 8056  Res SSP Earn		= 885.37
PC 6045  Res SIT		= 106.94
PC 6047  Res SIT Sup		= 885.37 x 7.2% = 63.75
	PC 6703 SUI ER Contr		= 3596.17 x IPUTR 50-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000 Overridden Rate 0.084
					= 302.08

	PC 5500 VT-Healthcare ER Tax	= IPUTR 50-000-0000-ER_EHT-000  Rate 91.25 per quarter
					= 91.25

Pay# 6	
	PC 5500 VT-Healthcare ER Tax	= 0	(because this Healthcare ER Tax has been taken this quarter)