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[{InsertPage page='Symmetry General State Tax Calculation Set Up' section=1}]
!!Nevada State Tax Calculation
On [IPUTR], there is a list of applicable taxes to be calculated for State of Nevada:
|32-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000|Nevada State Unemployment Tax
|32-000-0000-ER_SUTA_SC-023|Nevada Career Enhancement Program
|32-000-0000-ER_POP-001|Nevada MBT Financial Institution
|32-000-0000-ER_POP-002|Nevada MBT General Business
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!NV – IPRLU Set Up
There is no state tax for Nevada, therefore, [IPRLU] Miscellaneous Tax parameters are not required to be set up for Nevada.
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!NV – ER SUTA Rate
ER SUTA may be bypassed on [IPUTR] with ‘Do not Calculate’ or [IPRLU] ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:
#*Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
#*This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of Nevada.
#*If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on [IDGV] by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the [IPUTR] rate.	
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!NV – IPPC / PC Usages
[IPPC] – Set up Pay Components by PC Usages

In order to set up [IPPC] Pay Components for the following PC Usages if these taxes are to be calculated.

|7440 State|SUI	NV-Career Enhance Tax
|7441 State|SUI	NV-MBT Financial Tax
|7442 State|SUI	NV-MBT Gen Business Tax
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!NV – Career Enhancement Program (CEP)

The Nevada Career Enhancement Program tax (CEP) will NOT be computed for companies who pay the full rate for Nevada ER SUTA (e.g. 5.45% in 2010). 

If the [IPUTR] ER SUTA Overridden rate is the full SUTA rate as set out by the government for the payroll year, CEP will not be calculated, otherwise CEP will be calculated.

|2010 Nevada ER SUTA Rate is:|0.0545 |
|IPUTR Overridden Rate:|0.0445 is passed for US Taxation|
|                      |              |
|PC 6703 SUI ER Cont|1923.08 x 0.0445 = 85.58|(Reduced SUTA Rate is used)
|                    |                 |
|PC 5340 NV-Career Enhance Tax|1923.08 x 0.0005 = 0.96|

%%information Note:If [IPUTR] Overridden Rate is the full rate of 0.0545, then CEP will not be calculated.%%
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!NV – Percent of Payroll Tax

The following taxes are supposed to be computed on the total wages of a complete payroll run for employees who worked in Nevada.  However, in order to be able make a journal entry to the General Ledger that will charge the cost at the employee level for state of Nevada, these Percent of Payroll taxes are calculated for each employee.
|32-000-0000-ER_POP-001|Nevada MBT Financial Institution
|32-000-0000-ER_POP-002|Nevada MBT General Business

;[IPUTR] - Employer POP Tax:
#Nevada MBT Financial Institution
#Nevada MBT General Business - By default, this tax will be calculated unless the ‘Do Not Calculate’ toggle is checked.

![Notes|Edit:Internal.Symmetry Set Up - NV]
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