State Tax Calculation - General Set Up#

Please refer to document PR_US_Federal_Tax_Calc.doc ‘General Set Up’ section for all set up requirement.

At State Level, the following screens should be verified set up for each state:

This screen is used to view US Tax Rates by states and to enter the Overridden Rates and Wage Base.
- user may suppress some SUTA Surcharge Calculation for some States by checking the ‘Do not Calculate’ toggle

IPUTP - user may view US Tax Miscellaneous Parameters by States that are applicable for IPRLU screen

IDGV - this screen may optionally contain specific override Rates and Wage Bases by Government Registration for each Registration from Pay Header’s Group - IDGV overridden amounts take precedence over the IPUTR overridden amounts

IPRLU / IPRULS - each employee must be set up with the applicable Tax Methods - Miscellaneous Tax Parameters must be set up by States that need to be paid

UPRLU - this process audits the US Tax Filing Information and generates IPRLU Miscellaneous Tax Parameters information according to IMCT set up

IPPH - PAY HEADER Tab must specify the default Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction - PAY LINES Tab Jurisdiction field must specify the Work Jurisdiction of this Pay Line - after Trial Calc or UPCALC, PAY AMOUNTS Tab contains all US Taxation amounts in summary that are used for the calculation of net pay - PAY JURISDICTION Tab contains the default Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction - after Trial Calc or UPCALC, PAY JURISDICTION Tab contains all US Taxation amounts by Jurisdictions in detail