!!Salary Survey __Main Panel__ \\''Description'' \\Pie chart showing Organizational Scorecard by Departments. Color-coded by level over/under Survey midpoints. \\ \\ The pie chart has two segments. A red segment shows the number of departments with variances of less than 0% and an orange segment shows departments with variances greater than 0%. \\ \\ ''Parameters'' *Survey Source *Survey Date **Provided by Surveys entered on Record Salary Surveys ([ISSV]) *Entity *Region (From Salary Survey - ISSV) *Toggles for Report By Department or Jobs *Effective Date calendar \\ __Sub Panel 1 - My Departments__ \\''Description'' \\If the Report By toggle for Departments is on, then this is the sub panel. \\ \\ Table shows Department, Head Count, Variance % and Indicator: red for a variance greater that 25%, yellow for a variance between 0% and 25% and Green for a variance less than 0%. \\ \\ ''Parameters'' *Department **My Department (Default is ALL) *Variance Toggles for <= 0, <= 25% and >25% \\ __Sub Panel 1A - My Department Details__ \\''Description'' \\Drill down from a department code in sub-panel 1 to a table showing Department, person Code, Job & Position Codes, Wage rate, Region, Survey Min/Mid/Max and variance.